Third Week

We learned about our first Daily 5 Choice: Read to Self. They did a great job practicing. We were able to read for 3 minutes. (The goal is 15 minutes.) We also began our Daily Free Write, and they did a great job writing, and drawing, their stories! It was a beautiful day to get fresh air and play outside!

Today, we practiced Read to Self. We practiced with, and without, our book bins. We were able to read for 5 minutes. (The goal is 15 minutes.) We also had to stay inside for recess, but we had a lot of fun playing with some cool toys!

We continue to practice our number writing in our calendar binders. They are getting better each day! We practiced Read to Self, and we were able to read for 8 minutes. (The goal is 15 minutes.) They love being able to read throughout the classroom! We began talking about motion in science. We threw, bounced, rolled, and kicked different types of balls to see how they moved.

We had our first kindergarten friend earn a Positive Office Referral! This is very exciting because his referral got read during announcements for the whole school to hear, and he earned a special lunch privilege. Any student can earn Positive Referrals from any teacher, and the same thing will happen! We began comparing numbers during math. We practiced Read to Self, and we were able to read for 9 minutes. (The goal is 15 minutes.) They keep growing their stamina each day! We continued with our Daily Free Write, and I am impressed at how well they are writing and drawing. We had a fun indoor recess playing and creating with our friends! They began creating sculptures in art with Ms. Koehne and did a great job working hard to build and create! To end our day, we used cars to explore motion.

We keep adding more to our book bins and are growing our brains every day! Today, we were all able to log in during computer lab! This is a great accomplishment! Once students logged in, they were able to use a program called Tux Paint to play and create. We talked about our best/favorite places to read and completed a writing page. To end our day, the students had fun using Unifex cubes to build and create.