First Week

We started off the week by learning about another kindergarten friend, Adlee.

We had our second kindergarten friend earn a Positive Office Referral! This is very exciting because his referral got read during announcements for the whole school to hear, and he earned a special lunch privilege. Any student can earn Positive Referrals from any teacher, and the same thing will happen! Our friend turned in his Positive Office Referral Ticket and was able to eat lunch at the black table with three of his friends. Way to go!

In math, we built the numbers 1 - 10 with linking cubes. We worked to see that each number we built only needed one more than the previous number. We also began creating a Christmas ornament. This ornament will decorate a tree in the lobby of the Fond du Lac Police Department for the holiday season. We made them by putting beads in a holiday-themed cookie cutter, and I am going to bake them to melt the beads and create the shape of the cookie cutter.

Today, we celebrated Veteran's Day. Porter's and Brody's grandpas came to celebrate with us. The kindergarteners sang 'America (My Country Tis of Thee)', and they did a great job! In the afternoon, we had our Show and Tell Celebration. It was a lot of fun, and it was great to see what everyone brought to share! I also showed the class their baked bead ornaments, which turned out very cute! They will decorate a tree in the lobby of the Fond du Lac Police Department for the holiday season, and we will get them back sometime in the new year.