Fourth Week

Manolo earned a Postive Office Referral and had a special lunch with his friends at the black tables.  We created a Summer Bucket List craft, and we wrote about different things we wanted to visit, learn, and play.

We had special visitors today!  The morning 4K class came to see what kindergarten is all about!  We are definitely ready for summer, and we created our very own sailboat craft to help us 'Sail into Summer'.

We had special visitors today!  The fifth graders came and shared a Lego animal in its habitat and book with us.  The best part was that after they were done sharing, we were able to take the Lego animal and habitat home!  The afternoon 4K class came to see what kindergarten is all about!

Today, we watched The Lion King 1 1/2 and had fun singing to the music!

We started our day off with a PAWS Pride assembly.  For lunch, we walked to the park and had a picnic lunch.  In the afternoon, we had Field Day stations, which were SO much fun.  Thanks to Mr. Luehring and the 5th Grade for putting together!  It was a bittersweet moment to say goodbye, but they are definitely ready for First Grade!