Third Week

We learned about our last Daily 5 Choice, Listen to Reading. They are able to listen to books on CD or on the computer during Choice Time. To end the day, we read the book 'Creepy Carrots' and made our very own creepy carrot. We also earned a Big Paw! This means that we will be able to have a class celebration. Great Work Kindergarteners!

To end the day, Halloween math choices were introduced. Ghost 'Count the Room' was a class favorite! They LOVE being able to complete these choices independently or with friends.

Today we celebrated 'Unity Day', which is a day where we show unity for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion, by wearing orange. We also celebrated our Big Paw by having a pajama and stuffed animal celebration.

We continue to work hard during Daily 5 Choice Time. We LOVE listening to books on the radio and computers. We had computer lab, and everyone was able to login and have time to play and explore.

To end the week, we had fun making choices with friends or independently.