Warriors by Imagine Dragons 12-14

Enjoy playing with the song at LYRICSTRAINING http://lyricstraining.com/edit_exercise?ly=HI4Vxsi7mI#40

N2016 Warriors by Imagine Dragons Cloze. Would and Imperatives


1. Saps quin és el passat del verb saber, conèixer? To know, (1) ________, known

2. Saps quin és el passat del verb construir? To build, (2) ________, built

3. Endevina. Fes la teva predicció. Creus que la història que explica el vídeo (les imatges de ciència ficció) casaran amb la història que explica la lletra de la cançó? Per què?


4. Saps com es diu hauràs de sobresortir d'entre els millors en anglès amb el verb to rise? You'll (3) ________ rise (4) ________ the best.

5. Saps com dir passar-se les nits en blanc, despert, sense dormir en anglès amb el verb jaure, to lay? In youth you'd lay (5) ________ at night.

6. Saps com dir maquinar, fer càbales en anglès? In youth you'd (6) ________ of all the things you would change.

7. El musical Evita va fer famosa la frase Don't cry for me, Argentina. Coneixes un sinònim del verb to cry en anglès? Don't (7) ________ for me.

8. Saps que vol dir en anglès quan una amiga o amic que està sortint amb algú diu I think she is the one / Is he the one?



As [a child / an adult] (90) ________ you would [wait / play] (91) ________ and watch from far away: Com a nen, quan eres un nen esperaves i miraves des de lluny, des de la distància

But you always knew that you'd be the one that [wait / work] (92) ________ while they all [wait / play] (93) ________; Però sempre sabies que tu series el que treballaries mentre ells jugàven

In youth, you'd lay awake [at noon / at night] (94) ________ and scheme of all the things that you would [change / charge] (95) ________, but it was just [a dream / an idea] (96) ________!: De jove, et quedaves despert a les nits i maquinaves totes les coses que canviaries, però era només un somni.

Here we are, don't [go away / turn away] (97) ________ now (don't turn away): Aqui ens teniu, no ens doneu l'esquena ara.

We are the warriors that [made / built] (98) ________ this town: Som els guerrers que construirem aquesta ciutat.

[Here we are / There they are] (99) ________, don't turn away now (don't turn away)

We are the [warriors / soldiers] (100) ________ that built this town from [dust / sand] (101) ________.

(We) will come, when you'll have to [rise / race] (102) ________ above the best, improve [myself / yourself] (103) ________: Vindrem quan hauras de sobresortir d'entre els millors i fer-te millor

Your spirit [always / never] (104) ________ dies: El teu esperit mai mor

Farewell, I've gone to [take / make] (105) ________ my throne: Adéu siau, me n'he anat a prendre el meu tro

Above (all), don't weep for [me / him] (106) ________: Sobre tot, no ploris per mi.

Cause this will be the labor of [my / his] (107) ________ (my love): perquè aquesta serà l'obra del meu amor.

Here we are, [don't run away / don't turn away] (108) ________ now (don't turn away): Aquí estem, aquí ens teniu, no ens doneu l'esquena ara

We are the warriors that built [this town / that town] (109) ________: Som els guerrers que construirem aquesta ciutat

Here we are, [don't turn around / don't turn away] (110) ________ now (don't turn away)

We are the warriors that [built / bought] (111) ________ this town from dust.


As a child you (112) ________ wait and watch from (113) ________ away: De nen esperaves i miraves des de lluny, des de la distància

But you always knew that (114) ________ be the one that work while they (115) ________ play: Però sempre sabies que tu series el que treballaries mentre ells jugàven

In (116) ________, you'd lay (117) ________ at night and scheme of all the things that you would change, but it was (118) ________ a dream!: De jove, et quedaves despert a les nits i maquinaves totes les coses que canviaries, però era només un somni.

Here we are, (119) ________ (120) ________ (121) ________ now (don't turn away): Aqui ens teniu, no ens doneu l'esquena ara.

We are the (122) ________ that built this town: Som els guerrers que construirem aquesta ciutat.

(123) ________ we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)

We are the warriors that (124) ________ this town (125) ________ dust.

(We) will come, when you'll have to (126) ________ (127) ________ (128) ________ (129) ________, improve yourself: Vindrem quan hauras de sobresortir d'entre els millors i fer-te millor

Your spirit never (130) ________: El teu esperit mai mor

Farewell, I've gone (131) ________ take my (132) ________: Adéu siua, me n'he anat a prendre el meu tro

Above (all), don't (133) ________ (134) ________ me: Sobre tot, no ploris per mi.

Cause this will be the (135) ________ (136) ________ my love (my love): perquè aquesta serà l'obra del meu amor.

Here we are, don't turn away (137) ________ (don't turn away): Aquí estem, aquí ens teniu, no ens doneu l'esquena ara

We are the warriors (138) ________ built this town: Som els guerrers que construirem aquesta ciutat

Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)

We are the warriors that built this town from dust.


“Warriors” is a music video created in collaboration by the alternative rock band Imagine Dragons and video game developer Riot Games for the 2014 World Championship tournament in the multiplayer online battle arena video game League of Legends. The song is available to download for free from the League of Legends website. The battle begins




1. Imperatives. Turn the following statements into negative

Turn away! (139) ________ away: Marxa. No marxis

Cry for me! (140) ________ for me: Plora per mi. No ploris per mi.

Weep for me. (141) ________ for me. Plora per mi. No ploris per mi.

2. Complete the following sentences:

(142) ________ yourself! Millora. Fest-e millor

(143) ________ we are: Aquí ens tens. Lit. aquí estem

3. Write the verbs in past tense.

We are the warriors that (build, past) (144) ________ this town: Som els guerrers que construirem aquesta ciutat

As a child you (know, past) (145) ________ you'd be the one that work while the others play: De nen sabies que series el que treballaries mentre ells jugaven


1. In youth you'd scheme all the things you would change. To scheme means (146) ________.

a) descartar b) planejar c) fer una llista d) dibuixar

2. In youth you'd lay awake at night. To lay awake means (147) ________. Literalment vol dir jaure estirat i despert.

a) passar la nit en vetlla b) 'no poder conciliar el sueño' c) 'soñar despierto'

3. We built this town (prep) (148) ________ from dust.

a) of b) from c) out d) in

4. How do we say "marxar, abandonar, 'dejar en la estacada' in English? To (149) ________.

a) turn back b) turn away c) turn in

5. Don't weep for me. To weep means do not (150) ________ me

a) wait for b) cry for

c) look for

6. (151) ________ youth you'd scheme all the things you would change.

a) In b) at c) on

7. As a child you (152) ________ and look from far away.

a) waited b) wait c) would wait d) didn't wait

8. As a child you knew you'd work while they play. L'apostrof d (153) ________ i es la contracció de 'would'.

a) es refereix només a work b) es refereix tant a work com play



1. As a child I would wait and look the things for far away. La història de la lletra de la cançó ens parla d'un nen que des de petit sabia que s'hauria d'esperar i mirar-se les coses des de la distància. A què es refereix quan diu que s'hauria d'esperar? A què es refereix de que s'hauria de mirar les coses des de la distància, des de lluny?

2. As a child you knew you'd be the one to work while they play = As a child you would work while they would play. Per què creus que diu que de nen ja sabies que tu series el que havia de treballar mentre ells jugaven?. Who are they? Qui són ells?

3. Did you like the lyrics? Did you like the video clip? Which one did you like best? Why?

4. Would you recommend this song to other students, friends, classes? Why? Why not?

5. Tell us your opinion about the song and video clip please


6. To what extent does the story told by the images in the video match the story of the lyrics of the song? Justify your answer.

7. To what extent do you think it is a positive view of youth's and children's dreams? How optimistic or pessimistic is it? Why? Why not? Justify your answer.

8. What do you think of the lyrics? What do you think of the video clip? How much did you like them? Why?

9. Who do you think would like this song and video clip best? Why?

Would you like to say something else about the song and video clip? If so, what? Please share your thoughts and comments with us

SiB-Idiomes https://sites.google.com/a/xtec.cat/sib-idiomes/cancons/english-songs/warriors-by-imagine-dragons = https://goo.gl/N1c7ny


LyricsTraininghttp://lyricstraining.com/edit_exercise?ly=HI4Vxsi7mI#40 = https://goo.gl/N1c7ny