Green Eyes by Coldplay. Song on RC

Beware of jealousy, my lord! It’s a green-eyed monster that makes fun of the victims it devours.

Shakespeare created the image of jealousy as green-eyed monster in his play Othello

Relative clauses from Green Eyes by Coldplay:

1. Honey you are a rock upon which I stand. Ets una roca sobre la que em recolzo, ‘me apoyo’

2. The green eyes yeah the spotlight which shines upon you. Ulls verds, el focus que m’il·lumina (lit. brilla sobre mi)

3. Honey you are the sea upon which I float. Ets el mar sobre el que floto, suro

4. The green eyes, you're the one that / whom/ who(m) I wanted to find. Ulls verds. Tu ets la que volia trobar.

5. Honey you are a rock upon which I stand. Ets una roca sobre la que m’arrepenjo, 'me sostengo'
