Ninth Grade Works in Appreciation



Dear Omar Currie,

My name is Anastasiya, I’m 15 years old and I study 9th grade in Barcelona. I’ve read about what you did. I find that your decision of reading “King and King” to your students was very brave. Not many people would’ve handled the situation like you did.

I truly believe that all the people should be respected regardless of their sexual identity. Bullying and harassment is something that happens in a lot of schools and I would like to congratulate you for being able to stop it in your school.

You have received a lot of complaints from parents but I just wanted to let you know that many people are supporting you. I admire you for taking the risk to do something like you did without knowing what could happen.

Thank you for what you did.


Hello! I’m Muskan, I’m 15, from Barcelona, Spain. I’m student of ninth grade in Institut Josep serrate I Bonastre. I’m feeling so proud of you. I saw first teacher like you. You’re very intelligent person because you helped a third grade student in north Carolina, United states who was bullied from his classmates. I said you intelligent because your idea about writing and explaining to the whole class a story that is “king and king” I watched your interview and I was very impressed and I’m also very happy because many people help and support you.

For the kid who is bullied I would say him best of luck and cheer him for facing the problems that he has got .


My name is Barrabés, study at school and Serrat Bonastre is located in Plaza Lesseps, Barcelona, Catalonia, Europe. Our teacher had showed us videos of what you’ve showed to your pupils in your school. I think that what you have done a very good exemplary action. I think that we must be proud about.

Everyone knows that there teachers that are homosexual, but so many of people don’t recognize that they are.

The gesture you have done is an example worth admiring for many people even to me. I think that would give you a prize for the gesture you made. With your gesture you just shut many mouths.

King and King's book is a book that can greatly help homosexuals. This book you have chosen is a great choice for students


Hi my name is Josep im 15. I’m studing at Serrat i bonastre, i’m studing 3rd grade of ESO. Our teacher show us two videos, about your and your pupil situacion. I think that what you did was an act of courage. The book that you read in class seems very correct and I think that is a very good way of awareness the students.

I understood what you meant by the book,

and therefore I write to say that being gay is not necessary to understand it and give you support you and all who suffer.

When you do something like that you're afraid of what might happen , however you 've faced it very well , I admire you for that reason. So I and my class suport you and your pupil that suffered bulling.


Hi, dude,

My name is Sebas, a videogame player, i am studying 3d ESO at Serrat i Bonastre School in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, Europe. Our teacher, had showed us videos of what you’ve showed to your pupils in your school. I think that what you have done is a think that we must be proud about. Everyone knows that there teachers that are homosexual, but so many of them do not recognize that they are.

I also think that the book “King and king” that you read in class is very correct and I think is a nice way of awareness your students. The gesture that you’ve done by reading this book, is an example worth admiring for many people even to me. That’s also an example for people that receive abuses for being homosexual.

When we read the story, I thought that’s not necessary to be homosexual, for understanding what you wanted to say.

I think there’s nothing more to say, we admire you for doing this.

Thank you,



Hello my name is Michael and I am 15 years old and I am from Barcelona (Catalonia).

I like what you did very much. You read the book, «King and King».

You've done very well in telling this story because it explains the differences that people have. I am glad to know that there are people like you in the world who think with others

Has been an honor to write you.


Dear Omar Currie,

My name is Laisa, I am 15 years old, I study 9th grade and I live in Barcelona. I am not a gay and I am not a lesbian, but I think that is important to respect everybody regardless of their sexual identity. People should not be discriminated against simply because they are seen is different. We all deserve the same treatment.

In your class there was a group of children who called names classmate for this reason. You did not let this bad behavior escalate you, but stopped it immediately. I think you were very brave to read King and King. In this way, you succeeded to stop the harassment and, at the same time, taught your students to respect all kinds of people.

Although you received complaints from some parents for this fact, you could say that there were many people who supported you. I would like to let you know that in Barcelona we support you too.


Dear Omar Currie,

I am a 9th grade student of the Serrat i Bonastre High School. The last week we talked about the incident that success in one of your classes. I know that you are a teacher of elementary school.

Our teacher explained us that during last month in one class of third grade of school you detect a problem of bulling with someone of your students. Different boys of this class were insulting on of her partners. They called the boy “gay” and “girl”. I think that it is wrong because no one have to discriminate other person with her ideas.

One day you listened as the boys dumbed on the other child. Al this moment you thought that you had to do something to defend de boy. I know that you stopped the class and took all the kids to one classroom. Then he took a book entitled King and King.

It was about one king that doesn’t like any princess. At the end of the book the king meets another king and they just kissing.

When it happened some of the parents thought that this action was inadequate for the children. I thought that it is stupid because you address the problem whit a peaceful solution, without penalizations. Other parents, the majority of them, supported you. I think that it is very good because you don’t need to be homosexual to support them.

I thought that this is a very good form to solve this type of problems. I would never have this fantastic idea.




My name is Marc and I am 14 years old and study at the Institut Josep Serrat i Bonastre. I am writing from Barcelona, Cataonia.

I would like to congratulate you on your great act of courage in yourl school.

I do not think there have been many teachers capable of defending their ideals despite knowing that it could suffer a risk.

I think that your accusation is totally unfair.


Dear Omar Currie,

My teacher told me your story.

How did you help a student to integrate of your school, one student said that he was different and his possibility to be gay.

You are a great example for all the teachers. When all the people (except parents of the child) ignored the problem, you help this student, showing a book about a gay king. I think this way of explaining to children that being gay or effeminate is nothing wrong if in someone who has nothing to regret, is a very good idea for pupils of the 3rd primary.

The teachers should help students that they are different. We are different, we are high or low, fatly or slim, beautiful or ugly, and we have to accept as we are und as all the people.

My sincere congratulations for your work. I hope your story will help many people and improve society. The education begins at young age.

Thank you with your small example for the world, but a big behaviour for the humanity.

A big hug from Barcelona.



Dear kid,

I send you a lot of strength from Barcelona. I am sos sad to know that in the XXI century we still have discrimination in the world. I hope you to get better, and get happier.

You are a child, you have a whole live in front of you, so just try to ignore all these people that is going to tell you thing that you are not going to like.

Hope to listen from you soon,




Dear Mr. Currie,

My name is Anastasiya, I’m 15 years old and I study 9th grade in Barcelona. I’ve read about what you did. I find that your decision of reading “King and King” to your students was very brave. Not many people would’ve handled the situation the way you did.

I truly believe that everybody should be respected regardless of their sexual identity. Bullying and harassment something happens in a lot of schools and I would like to congratulate you for having been able to stop it / address it in your school.

You have received a lot of complaints from parents but I just want to let you know that many people are supporting you. I admire you for taking the risk to do something like what you did without knowing (in advanced) what could happen (afterwards).

Thank you for what you did.


My name is Muskan. I am 15 years old. I am from Barcelona, Spain. I am a student of ninth grade at Institut Josep Serrat i Bonastre. I feel so proud / You made me feel so proud. You are the first teacher I have heard of that..... You are very a very intellingent person because you helped a third grade student in North Carolina (United Stated) who was bullied by his classmates. I said theat you are intellingent because of your idea of reading and discussing the story King and King to the whole class. I watched your interview and I was very impressed. I am also very happy becuase many people help and support you.

I would like to wish the kid who was bullied the best of luck and I would also like to cheer him after having faced the problems he went through.