How Well English Spoken Worldwide


How Well is English Spoken Worldwide?

November 15, 2016

Adults in the Netherlands are the best non-native English speakers, a new report released Tuesday says. ᛻e report also says that Iraq has fallen to last place. ᛻e private education company Education First (EF) released the 2016 English Proàciency Index report. ᛻e English Proàciency Index is based on the online test scores of 950,000 adults from 72 countries. ᛻e results do not show the English ability of a country’s entire population. ᛻ey are based on people who took an online test, the EF Standard English Test (EFSET), during 2015. You can take the test online for free. ᛻e study is the sixth produced by EF. It is a yearly report that examines the English knowledge level of adults from 72 countries. It has found most areas in the world are continuing to improve their English language ability. ᛻e report also says that English language remains an important part for a country’s economic power. According to EF Director of Research Min Tran, one quality the highest-ranking countries share is a strong education system. However, he says that may not be enough. “However, another very important factor is whether your country has an English speaking environment. If you go to Singapore today, you hear English on the