The Mirror: Freezing homeless child abandoned on street in social experiment - but who helps him?

Freezing homeless child abandoned on street in social experiment - but who helps him?


The social experiment was set up to see how many people would stop to offer assistance to the little boy as he lay on the street

    • 16:47, 6 MAY 2015

    • UPDATED 16:48, 6 MAY 2015


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If you saw a homeless child on the street, would you walk by without a second thought?

A shocking social experiment shows the moment a freezing young homeless boy was ignored for two hours by passersby as he led on the street shivering in a bin bag.

Holding a cardboard sign and wearing nothing more than a t-shirt, the little boy sat on the cold streets of New York, waiting for someone to make contact with him or offer him help.

Abandoned: People walked by for two hours ignoring the little boy as he shivered in a bin bag

After a long 120 minutes, the little boy was finally approached by a man who sat down next to him and offered him his coat and some of his money.

But as the man gave up his possessions to the boy, he revealed something even more shocking - he was homeless himself.

Addressing the child, the man said: "I'm homeless, you know. And me being the older homeless person - we have to look out for each other."

Tear-jerking: Homeless man stops to help another homeless child in need

OckTV, who organised the social experiment, were so touched by the homeless man's gesture that they offered him $500 in cash (£327) before explaining that the boy wasn't actually abandoned.

The clip, which was uploaded to YouTube two months ago by OckTV, has clocked up a massive 15.7 million views.

You can click here to watch the full version of this emotional video.