April 1 BBC

Last updated at 15:05 BST, Monday, 27 April 2009

April Fool's Day

A good year for spaghetti growers...

April Fool's Day is the one time of year when we traditionally play jokes on our friends and colleagues. This week Kate and Jackie discuss some of the better known hoaxes as well as explain some of the vocabulary associated with the day.

Listen to the programme

April Fool's Day

This week's question: In the UK, we are traditionally allowed to play jokes on people until what time in the day? Is it:

a) midnight

b) midday

c) 4 o'clock

Listen out for the answer at the end of the programme!

Vocabulary from the programme

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practical joke

a type of joke which is played at someone else's expense


a trick which deceives people into believing something that's not true, usually on a larger scale

spoof story

a story that's not true, presented as though it were real

taken in by

to believe something that isn't true


describes someone who believes things easily


a type of practical joke

End of Section

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