Coca-Cola at War in The Times in Plain English

Coca-Cola at War with Science

August 13, 2015

Plain English Version

Sugary beverages are the enemy. They have too many calories and contain too much sugar. People who drink them tend to be heavier than people who do not drink them.

Educators are trying to reduce their use. Legislators are trying to tax them. From school meals to fast food chains, people who are diet experts know that taking in fewer calories is the best way to deal with obesity.

If you are a company that makes money from the sale of sugary sodas, what do you do?

Coca-Cola and other food companies have an answer. They fund studies that deny the truth. For example, Coke is funding a group that says exercise is the real key to keeping weight off.

Some big name scientists are lending their expertise to the Coke program. Most nutritionists are not buying their argument. It leaves the public in a tough spot. People have been taught to listen to science. After all, it is science that said sugar was the enemy. Coca-Cola is funding a well-heeled effort to turn the science on its head.

People paid by Coca-Cola, with appointments at universities, are using studies and tests to come to the opposite conclusion. They are saying the lack of exercise is the problem.

Exercise is very important to health. However, it is not a sure fire way to lose weight and keep it off. In other words, diet is more essential for weight control. Coca-Cola is mounting a campaign to confuse people by saying exercise is more vital.

An expert said, Coca-Cola’s agenda here is very clear. “It is to get these researchers to confuse the science. It will deflect attention from dietary intake.”

Now the battle of advocates and paid experts begins. However, when you find yourself putting on weight, most people will begin to take a hard look at their diet.

Source: The New York Times August 9, 2015

Why might sugary beverages be considered “the enemy” for those who are overweight?[Sugary beverages have too many calories and contain too much sugar.]

Do any readers limit their drinking of sugary beverages to control their weight? If so, do they think it has helped manage their weight?

Most diet experts believe that consumption of fewer calories is the best way to deal with weight management. True or false? [True, Coca-Cola and other food companies are saying that diet is not the answer to weight control.] What do they say is the answer?[They say exercise is the real key to keeping weight off.]

Which appears to be most important for managing weight – exercise or diet? [Most experts agree that diet is more essential than exercise for weight control.]