The Heavy Price Suffragettes Paid

'Suffragettes lost husbands, children and jobs': The heavy price women paid

Anne Marie Duff and Carey Mulligan in Suffragette

  • Radhika Sanghani

12 OCTOBER 2015 • 10:30AM


he new Hollywood film Suffragette out today tells the story of Maud Watts, a working class suffragette played by Carey Mulligan. Her character is entirely fictional, but the film is rooted in the history of the women’s suffrage movement and was written using original testimonies. Watts' story is entirely plausible and could have belonged to any of the thousands of British women who fought for women’s right to vote.

This faithfulness to historical truth makes the film even more striking. Watts is a woman with a husband and a son. She works gruelling hours in a laundry and stays away from politics, until she gradually starts to notice the inequality surrounding her.

Like many women before her and after her, she decides to join the suffragettes. But her decision has an unexpected cost. (SPOILER ALERT)

Watts ends up being kicked out of her house by her husband. She’s forced to sleep on the streets and loses access to her son – a fate that is sealed when her husband gives him up for adoption.

“I think it's all really realistic,” says Krista Cowman, professor of History at the University of Lincoln, and a historical advisor on the film. She describes Watts as a 'composite' of many working class suffragettes, and adds:

“There are documented cases of women whose husbands left them as a result of their activity. There are other cases where you can read between the lines; women go to prison, it’s not uncommon for them to be picked up by their husbands and then you never hear of them being involved in any way again. You can kind of draw your own inferences.”

"At least two suffragettes left their husbands and many quarreled bitterly.”

Nellie Hall

One of the most striking real-life cases is of Helen Archdale, born in 1876. She was married to an army officer and was imprisoned several times for suffragette militancy. Her mother-in-law disapproved of this so much that she suggested kidnapping Archdale’s sons.

Archdale found out the plot when her sons were staying with their grandma in Ireland. Her brother-in-law wrote to her saying that his mother had said she should keep the boys to get them away from “that pernicious mama of theirs”.

The marital cost

There are other cases of women whose marriages and relationships broke down as a result of their participation in the suffrage movement. Mary Gawthorpe, one of the WSPU’s most successful and popular organisers, was engaged to be married when she joined the Union.

In her autobiography she recalled how her engagement “had to take care of itself” during the height of the suffrage campaign while she travelled around the country on a series of increasingly arduous speaking tours. Unsurprisingly it did not survive.

She would not have been the only woman to find herself in such a situation. Nellie Hall, a one-time organiser for the WSPU in Birmingham, recalled in an interview she gave in 1965 how “at least two suffragettes left their husbands and many quarrelled bitterly”.

A suffragette chained to a gate CREDIT: WOMEN'S LIBRARY

Others, such as Florence Bartlett, would go to prison under different names (she used her maiden name) to spare their husbands embarrassment.

“Husbands didn’t want to suffer the shame of having a wife who was a jailbird, particularly in a small community,” explains June Purvis, professor of women’s and gender history at University of Portsmouth, and another historical advisor to Suffragette. But there was also the added factor that not all men supported women’s fight for equality.

“When you read the speeches of Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst, it wasn’t just a single issue campaign to get women the vote,” says Purvis. “They wanted a radical transformation of women’s subordinate role in society. They wanted equality for women in family, in law, in employment and the public sphere. That’s why so many men were upset.”

Familial reactions

It wasn’t just husbands. Depending on how supportive a suffragette’s family was to the cause, they could be disowned by their parents and relatives. “Some mothers and daughters would go down together,” says Cowman. “If you’re from a political bohemian family it would be an OK thing to do, but if you’re from a family where they’re not sympathetic, by 1913 you’d be completely demonised [for being a suffragette].”

“Husbands didn’t want to suffer the shame of having a wife who was a jailbird, particularly in a small community."

June Purvis

Purvis tells me she once interviewed the daughter of a suffragette who remembered being locked in the larder with her mother by her grandfather to prevent them from going out and joining the cause.

Jessie Stephenson, a suffragette who worked in a barrister’s office as a clerk, was imprisoned in 1910. It meant she lost the support of her family. In her memoir she wrote: “My married-to-a-clergyman sister ha[d] never sent me a line since I was in gaol. She said not only would she never have me in her house again, but several times that she would never speak to me again.”

Emmeline Pankhurst being restrained by policemen CREDIT: EVERETT COLLECTION/REX FEATURES

Similarly Helen Craggs, daughter of a distinguished accountant and Knight Bachelor, felt she had to leave home for her involvement in WSPU activities. The WSPU gave her an organiser’s position (with a salary of two shillings a week) which meant she could live independently and rent a small room in Bloomsbury.

These cases show that both working class and upper class women were affected by the societal norms at the time, to a point where they could lose their families and homes. But, as the case of Lady Constance Lytton proved, there was still a vast difference in the way they were treated.

The class divide

Lady Lytton famously went to prison both under her real name and the disguise of a working class woman. “When she went into prison as a lady she was treated very well and called ‘your ladyship,’” says Purvis. “Then she cut off her hair, put on cheap glasses and a cheap dress and went in as Jane Wharton. She was forcibly fed.”

There was also more pressure on working class women to be at home for their families. Rose Towler, a tackler’s wife from Preston went to prison in February 1908. Before she went to jail, she spent a week baking for her four sons. After two weeks in prison she was so agitated about how her family were coping that the WSPU agreed to pay her bail so she could get back to them.

Others would ask fellow WSPU members to check on their children while they were jailed, or even look after them.

“Many were injured on demonstrations and marches, while others suffered long-term health consequences from violent force-feeding."

There was also a stronger sense of shame. Cowman explains: “The thing that one needs to remember is for working class women in particular, respectability was so important in the 20th century because it was all that delineated them from the non-respectable poor, ‘the great unwashed’.”

But of course the hardest part of being a suffragette from the lower working class was a lack of funds. “A number of women found it difficult to keep jobs,” says Purvis. “Domestic servants would have had to hide it from employers, school teachers gave false names and would try to do their prison service over the summer holidays, but often when suffragettes were imprisoned they lost their jobs.”

Jobs and finance

Annie Evelyn Armstong was one of the youngest suffragettes to be arrested – she was just 17 when she was imprisoned in 1907. As a working girl she stood to lost her job but, according to the Daily Chronicle: “She created such a favourable impression by her speeches that she won the sympathies of leading women in the movement who have taken her under their care and offered to “see her right” for a future situation.”

Others were not so lucky. Emily Wilding Davison was a governess who scored a first-class honours in her exams at Oxford (but not a degree as that was not available to women). She lost her job as a result of her activism and tried to earn money through journalism, but ended up having to working as a WSPU organiser to get by financially.

Emily Wilding Davison

Davison died tragically at the Epsom Derby when she was struck by the King’s horse in 1913. That is what she is famously remembered for, but like all the other suffragettes, her activism deeply impacted her life in many other ways.

She didn’t just struggle financially, she was imprisoned nine times where she would often go on hunger strikes and be forcibly fed. In June 1912, near the end of a six-month sentence in Holloway Prison for arson, she threw herself down a 10-metre iron staircase to protest against the culture of force feeding. She suffered severe head and spinal damage.

“The health impacts of what the suffragettes did were vast,” says Cowman. Many were injured on demonstrations and marches, while others suffered long-term health consequences from violent force-feeding.

The suffragettes, especially those from working class backgrounds paid a heavy price for their cause, in terms of their health, relationships with their families and loved ones, and finances. Their triumphant 1918 win will always remembered, but so too should these personal and often traumatic sacrifices they made for the women's vote.

Suffragette is released nationwide on October 12