A Trial against the Education System: The People vs the School System with Prince Ea (VIDEO sub in Sp with Transcription). (See Word Booster Files)

I just sued the School System (Prince Ea)

The People vs the School ...ince Ea. Handout by Naves

Albert Einstein once said: "Everyone's a genius

But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, today on trial we have modern day schooling

Glad you could come. Not only does he make fish climb trees, he also makes them climb down and make them do a 10 mile run

Tell me, school, are you proud of the things you've done?Turning millions of people into robots

Do you find that fun?

Do you realize how many children relate to that fish swimming upstream in class believing they are useless?

Well the time has come; no more excuses. I call school the to the stand and accuse him of killing creativity, individuality and being inequality abusive he’s ancient institution has outlived his usage

So, your honor, this concludes my open statement and if I may present the opening of my case I will prove it


Exhibit A: here's a modern day phone; recognize it?

Now here's a phone from 150 years ago

Big difference, right?

Stay with me, all right

Here's a car today and here's a car from 150 years ago

Big difference right?

Well get this: here's a classroom of today and here's a classroom we used 150 years ago

Now isn't that a shame

In literary over a century, nothing has changed

Yet you claim to prepare students for the future

But with evidence like that I must ask: do you prepare students for the future, or the past?

I did a background check on you and the records show that you were made to trade people to work in factories, which explains why you put students in straight rows nice and neat. Raise your hand if you want to speak, give them a short break to eat, and for eight hours a day tell them what to think

Oh, and make the compete to get an A a letter that determines a product quality hint grade A of meat

I get it, back then times were different

We all have a past; I myself am no Ghandi

But today, we don't need to make robot zombies

The world had progressed, and now we need people

Who think creatively, innovatively, critically, interdependently, with the ability to connect

You see, every scientist will tell you no two brains are the same

And every parents with two or more children will confirm that claim

So please explain why you treat students like cookie cutter frames

Or snap back caps, giving this one size fits all crap?

Watch your language!

Sorry, your honor

But if a doctor prescribed the exact same medicine to all of his patients

The results would be tragic; so many people would get sick

Yet when it comes to school this is exactly what happens. This educational malpractice where one teacher stands in front of 20 children each one having different strengths different needs different gifts different dreams and you teach the same thing the same way. that's horrific lady gentlemen the defendant the gentlemen should not be acquitted

This may be one of the worst criminal offenses ever to be committed. And let’s mention the way you treat your employees


Overruled I want to hear this!

It's a shame I mean teachers have the most important job on the planet yet they are underpaid no wonder why so many students are shortchanged. Let’s be honest teachers should earn just as much as doctors because a doctor can do heart surgery and save the life of a child. But a great teacher can reach the heart of that child and allow him to truly live

You see teachers are heroes that often get blamed. But they aren't the problem they work in a system with not many options or rights curriculum's are created by policy makers where most of them haven't taught a day in their life . Just obsessed with standardized tests they think bubbling in a multiple choice question will determine success

That's how outlandish in fact these test are to cruel to be used and should be abandoned. But don't take my word for it. take Fredrick J Keely and man who invented standardized testing who said and I quote "These tests are too crude to be used and should be abandoned" Ladies and gentlemen of the jury if we continue down this road the results will be literal

I don't have much faith in in school but I do have faith in people. and if we can customize health care, cars and Facebook pages then it is our duty to do the same for education to upgrade change and do way with school spirit. Because that's uses unless we are working to bring the spirit out of each and every student that should be our task. No more common core instead let’s reach the core of every heart in every class

Sure math is important but no more than art or dance let's give every gift an equal chance I know this sounds like a dream but countries like Finland are doing impressive things they have shorter days, teachers make a decent wage homework is non existent they focus on collaboration instead of competition. But here's the kicker boys and girls there educational outperforms every other country in the world. Other places like Singapore are succeeding rapidly schools like Montessori programs like Khan Academy there is no single solution

But let’s get moving because while students maybe 20% of our population

They are 100% of our future so let’s attend to their dreams and there's no telling what we can achieve this is a world in which I believe a world where fish are no longer forced to climb trees

I rest my case

On els peixos no han d’escalar arbres

Un vídeo recrea un judici contra l'escola que mata la creativitat i la individualitat

Especial: Educació

Arxivat a: La butaca, Educació

Comença el judici. Ell hi aporta les proves, els raonaments i, el que és més important, les propostes. Richard Williams, conegut com a Prince Ea, en aquest vídeo –dirigit per Joel Bergvall i Joe Lombardi–, fa tremolar el sistema escolar. I ens insinua com el podríem reconciliar amb els infants, amb els mestres i amb la vida.

1. Albert Einstein va dir una vegada: “Tothom és un geni. Però si jutges un peix per la seva habilitat per escalar un arbre, viurà tota la vida creient que és estúpid".

2. Digues, escola, estàs orgullosa de les coses que has fet? Convertint milions de persones en robots? T’adones de la quantitat de nens que s’identifiquen amb aquell peix? Que estan nedant contra corrent a classe, sense mai trobar els seus talents, pensant que són estúpids, creient que són inútils.

3. Acuso l'escola de matar la creativitat, la individualitat i de ser intel·lectualment abusiva.

4. En més d’un segle, no ha canviat res. I tot i això, dius que prepares els estudiants per al futur? Prepares els estudiants per al futur o per al passat?

5. He mirat els teus antecedents i els registres mostren que vas ser creada per entrenar la gent perquè treballessin a les fàbriques. Cosa que explica per què organitzes els estudiants en files rectes. [...] Alceu la mà si voleu parlar, dona’ls un descans per menjar i durant vuit hores al dia digueu-los què han de pensar.

6. Avui no necessitem crear robots zombis, el món ha progressat i ara necessitem persones que pensin de forma creativa, innovadora, crítica i independent, amb l’habilitat de connectar.

7. Qualsevol científic et dirà que no hi ha dos cervells iguals. I qualsevol pare amb dos o més nens pot confirmar-ho. Així que, sisplau, explica'm per què tractes els estudiants com si fossin un marc per tallar galetes o com aquelles gorres planes que s’entreguen en aquella talla única que serveix per a tots.

8. Si un doctor receptés exactament la mateixa medicina a tots els seus pacients, els resultats serien tràgics. Molta gent es posaria malalta. Però tot i això, quan es tracta de l’escola, això és exactament el que passa.

9. Un professor es posa davant de vint infants, cadascun amb diferents fortaleses, diferents necessitats, diferents talents, diferents somnis. I tu els ensenyes la mateixa cosa de la mateixa manera?

10. Els professors tenen la feina més important del planeta. Tot i això, estan mal pagats. No m’estranya que tants estudiants no rebin el que és just. Siguem sincers: els professors haurien de cobrar tant com els doctors, perquè un doctor pot fer cirurgia al cor i salvar la vida d’un nen. Però un gran mestre pot arribar al cor d’aquest nen i permetre que visqui de debò.

11. Els mestres són herois. Se’ls critica molt, però ells no són el problema. Ells treballen en un sistema sense gaires opcions ni drets. Els currículums són creats pels qui dissenyen les polítiques, la majoria dels quals ni tan sols han ensenyat a la seva vida. Només estan obsessionats en exàmens estandaritzats. Es creuen que amb una pregunta amb respostes múltiples, podran determinar el nivell d’èxit. Això és una bogeria.

12. No tinc gaire fe en l’escola però sí que la tinc en les persones. [...] Està clar que les matemàtiques són importants, però no ho són més que l’art ni la dansa. Hem de donar a tots els talents la mateixa oportunitat.

13. Sé que això sona com un somni però països com Finlàndia estan fent coses impressionants: els seus dies d’escola són més curts, els mestres guanyen salaris decents, els deures no existeixen i se centren a crear col·laboració en comptes de competició.

14. Aquest és el món en què jo crec: el món on els peixos no han d’escalar arbres.