Myth Missing Half Plato. Love by Plato. BBC. Open University


    1. The title of the video is the Missing Half. What do you think it refers to?

    2. What's the English expression for "la mitja taronja"?


    1. What is the word we refer to those in love? (Tip: 'sencer' )

  1. How does the video refer to those who are not in love? (Tip: 'faltos de', 'mancats de')

    1. Plato wrote about the myth of love. What is the title of the book in which Plato talks about love?

    2. Who is the character who talks about the myth of love?

    3. How many sexes are in the myth? Who are they the children of?

    4. What were the predecessors of humans like? What shape did they have?

    5. How many legs and feet, arms and hands, heads and faces did they have?

    6. Why did Zeus get angry?

    7. How were lesbians, gays and heterosexuals forms?

    8. What is Plato's myth of love about? What does the missing half refer to?