If Anything Else, Believe in Love by Lennon

Grammar review:

· To believe IN + ING. To believe –d –d in something. E.g. She believes in love at first sight. Ex. Creu en l’amor a primera vista.

· To forget + TO+ INF. To forget – forgot - forgotten to do something. E.g. They forgot to tell us that: Oblidar-se de fer quelcom. Ex. Oblidaren dir-nos allò.

· To make – made – made somebody do something. E.g. They made us get married. Ex. Ens obligaren a casar-nos

o To make somebody believe in something. E.g. They made us believe in real love. Ex. Ens varen fer creure en l’amor vertader.

o To make somebody believe that + clause. E.g. They made us believe that real love is true love. Ex. Ens van fer creure que l’amor real és l’amor autèntic, vertader.

· To tell – told - told somebody. E.g. They told us that marriage was compulsory. Ex. Ens digueren que el matrimony era obligatori.

TASK. John Lennon wrote this text to criticize the stereotypes associated with love. Fill-in the blanks baring this idea in mind.

If Nothing Else, Believe in Love by John Lennon

They made us believe that real love, the one that’s (1)____________ [strong / weak], only happens (2)___________ [once / twice], more likely before your thirties [twenties / thirties]. They (3)____________ [always / never] told us that love is not something that you can put into motion, or (4)_______________ [has / doesn't have] a time schedule. They made us believe that each one of us is (5)_______________________ [the whole / half of an] orange, and that life makes only sense when you (6)__________ [find / lose] the other half. They (7)____________________ [told us / did not tell us] that were born as a whole and that no one in our lives deserves to carry on their backs suck responsibility of completing what is missing on us. We grow and get through life by ourselves. If we have good company, it just makes life (8)____________________ [more pleasant / less pleasant]. They made us believe (9) _______ (prep) a formula “two in one”: (10)_________________ [one person / two people] sharing the same line of thinking, same ideas, and that is what (11)____________________ [works / doesn't work]. It has (12)________________ [never / always] been told that it has another name: invalidation that only two individuals with their own personality is how you can have a healthy relationship. It (13)_________________________ [make, pr pf pass] to believe that marriage is an (14)______________ [obliged / optional] institution and that fantasies out of hour (15)____________________________ [should repress, pass]. They made us believe that the (16)__________________________ [thin and beautiful / fat and ugly] are the ones who are more loved. They made us believe that the ones that have little sex are (17)____________________ [boring / exciting], and the ones that have (18)____________________ [a lot / a little] of it are not trustful. What they (19)______________ (forget, pt) to tell us is that there are (20)_________________ [more / fewer] crooked minds than feet. They (21)_________________________________ {ens van fer creure} that there is a one specific formula to (22)____________ [happiness / sadness] the same one to everyone, and that the ones that escape from that are condemned to be delinquents. We (23)___________________________ (never tell, pr pf pass) that when those formulas go wrong, they get those people frustrated, and that we can try other alternatives. Oh! also they (24)____________________ (tell, pt neg) us that no one will tell those things to us. Each and every one of us will have to learn by ourselves, and, when we get to the point that you are in love with yourself (25)____________ [first / last], that is when you can fall in love with somebody else.