Demons by Imagine Dragons 12-14

Have fun with Lyricstraining exercise edited by N2016 at!mnaves3 = =

N2016 Cloze on the Song "Demons" by Imagine Dragons. Suggested by Fernando C. of 2ESO at SiB.

BEFORE LISTENING TO THE SONG: The title of the song is "Demons". What is the word for demons in Catalan, "dimonis" or "deus"? (1)__________.


Demons: dimoni. (2)__________: dimonis. God: deu. (3)__________: deus. Sain: sant. (4)__________: sants

Heaven: cell; Hell: infern

Sin: pecat; sinner: pecador

Grave: tomba. To dig dug dug: cavar una tomba

Lie: mentida. (5)__________: mentides; truth: veritat. Tell told told the truth: dir la veritat. To lie lied lied: mentir

Fate: destí. Dependre del destí. To be was/were been up to the fate

Greed: avaricia

Sin: pecat.

Soul: ànima

Curtain’s call: caiguda del teló

I am hell bound: estic lligat a l’infern, estic condemnat a l’infern

To let let let somebody down: decebre, 'decepcionar'


1. When the days are [cold / hot] (6)__________ {Quan els dies són freds}. (7)__________: fred. (8)__________: calor

2. And the cards all fold {I les cartes totes abandonades. Lit: doblegades}.

3. And the saints [you / we] (9)__________ see {I tots els sants que veiem}. I, you, she, he, it, we, you, they:

4. Are all made of [gold / silver] (10)__________ {Estan tots fets d'or}. To be made of: estar fet de... (11)__________: or. Silver: (12)__________

5. When your dreams all [fail / succeed] (13)__________ {Quan tots els nostres somnis 'fallen', fracassen}. To (14)__________, -ed, -ed: fallar, fracassar. To succeed, -ed, -ed: tenir èxit

6. And the ones [they / we] (15)__________ hail {I els que ens aclamem} To hail, -ed, -ed: aclamar, vitorejar.

7. Are [the best / the worst] (16)__________ of all {Són els pitjors de tots}. Good, better than, the best. Bad, worse than, the worst. The (17)__________: el millor. The (18)__________: el pitjor

8. And the blood's run stale {I la sang s'ha fossilitzat o estancat}

9. I wanna [hide / tell] (19)__________ the truth {Vull amagar la veritat}. To (20)__________, -d, -d the truth: (21)__________ la veritat. To (22)__________, told, told the truth: dir la veritat.

10. I wanna shelter [you / them] (23)__________ {Et vull acollir, donar-te refugi}

11. But with the beast [inside / outside] (24)__________ {Però amb la bèstia de dins}. (25)__________: dins. (26)__________: fora

12. There's [everywhere / nowhere] (27)__________ we can hide {No hi ha enlloc on ens poguem amagar}. (28)__________: a tot arreu. (29)__________: enlloc

13. No matter [what / when] (30)__________ we breed {No hi fa res què criem} To breed bred bred: criar. (31)__________: què. When: (32)__________

14. [We / They] (33)__________ still are made of greed {Encara estem fets d'avaricia}.

15. This is [my / his] (34)__________ kingdom come {Lit. Aquest és el meu regne, el que arriba. Cita bíblica}. My, your, her, his, our, your, their:

16. [This / That] (35)__________ is my kingdom come. (36)__________ is: aquest és o està... (37)__________ is: aquell és o està...

17. When you [feel / see] (38)__________ my heat {Quan percebis la meva escalfor}. To (39)__________, felt, felt: sentir. To (40)__________, saw, seen: veure

18. Look into my [eyes / mouth] (41)__________ {Mira'm als ulls}. Eye: ull. (42)__________: ulls. (43)__________: boca

19. It's [when / where] (44)__________ my demons hide {És on s'amaguen els meus dimonis}. (45)__________: quan. (46)__________: on

20. It's where [my / his] (47)__________ demons hide

21. Don't get too close {No t'atansis molt a prop}

22. It's [dark / light] (48)__________ inside {És massa fosc dins}. (49)__________: fosc. (50)__________: clar, amb llum

23. It's [where / when] (51)__________ my demons hide {És on s'amaguen els meus dimonis}

24. It's where my demons [hide / eat] (52)__________ {És on s'amaguen els meus dimonis}. To (53)__________, hid, hidden: amagar. To (54)__________, ate, eaten: menjar.

25. Curtain's call {El taló cau. Lit la coringa crida}

26. It is [the first / the last] (55)__________ of all {És la última de totes}. First, second, third, fourth, fifth.... last.The (56)__________: el primer. The (57)__________: el darrer, 'el último'

27. [Where / When] (58)__________ the lights fade out {Quan els llums s'esmorteixen}

28. All the sinners crawl {Tots els pecadors s'arrosseguen. Lit van a gates, a quatre grapes}

29. So they dug your grave {Així que cavaren la teva tomba}

30. And the masquerade {I la mascarada}

31. Will come calling [up / out] (59)__________ {Arribarà cridant}

32. [On / At] (60)__________ the mess you've made {Per l'embolic que has fet}

33. Don't wanna let [them / you] (61)__________ down {No vull decebre't}

34. But I am [heaven / hell] (62)__________ bound {Però estic lligat a l'infern} To bind bound bound: lligar, relligar. (63)__________: cell. (64)__________: infern

35. Though this is all for [them / you] (65)__________ {Encara que tot això és per tu}. Me, you, her, him, it, us, you, them:

36. Don't wanna [tell / hide] (66)__________ the truth {No et vull amagar la veritat}. To (67)__________, -d, -d: amagar. To tell, told, (68)__________: dir, explicar, 'contar'. (69)__________: veritat.

37. No matter [what / who] (70)__________ we breed {No hi fa res el que conreuem o criem}. What: què. (71)__________: qui.

38. We still are made [of/ by] (72)__________ greed {Encara estem fets d'avaricia}

39. This is [her / my] (73)__________ kingdom come {Lit. Aquest és el l'arribada del meu regne. Cita bíblica}

40. This is my kingdom [come / go] (74)__________. To (75)__________, came, come: venir. To (76)__________, went, gone: anar.

41. When you feel my [heat / heart] (77)__________ {Quan sentis la meva escalfor}. Heat: (78)__________, calor. (79)__________: cor.

42. Look into my [eyes / heart] (80)__________ {Mira'm als ulls}

43. It's where my demons hide {És on s'amaguen els meus dimonis} To (81)__________, hid, hidden: amagar-se

44. It's where my demons hide

45. Don't get too close {No t'atansis massa}

46. It's dark [inside / outside] (82)__________ {És fosc a dins}

47. It's where my demons hide {És con s'amaguen els meus dimonis}

48. It's where my [demons / gods] (83)__________ hide

49. They say it's what [we / you] (84)__________ make {Diuem que és el que tu fas}

50. I say it's [on/ up] (85)__________ to fate {Jo dic que es tracta, depen del destí}

51. It's woven in my [soul / heart] (86)__________ {Està teixit en la meva ànima} To weave wove woven: teixir. Soul: (87)__________. Heart: (88)__________.

52. I need to [let / have] (89)__________ you go {Necessito deixar-te marxar}. To (90)__________, let, let: deixar, permetre. To have, had, had: tenir, haver.

53. Your eyes, they shine so [bright / dark] (91)__________ {Els teus ulls brillen d'una forma tant brillant}. (92)__________: clar, amb llum, 'luminoso'. (93)__________: fosc, 'oscuro'

54. I wanna [have / save] (94)__________ that light {Vull salvar aquella llum}. To (95)__________, -d, -d: salvar, estalviar.

55. I [can / can't] (96)__________ escape this now {No puc escapar d'això ara}

56. Unless you [show / tell] (97)__________ me how {A menys que m'ensenyis, mostris com}. To (98)__________, showed, shown: 'mostrar', ensenyar. To (99)__________, told, told: explicar

57. When you [feel / see] (100)__________ my heat {Quan sents la meva escalfor}. To (101)__________, felt, felt: sentir. To (102)__________, saw, seen: veure

58. Look [into / at] (103)__________ my eyes {Mira'm als ulls}

59. It's [when/ where] (104)__________ my demons hide {És on s'amaguen els dimonis} To hide hid hidden: amagar-se

60. It's where my demons hide

61. Don't get too close {No t'apropis, atansis tant a prop}

62. It's dark inside {És fosc dintre, a dins}

63. It's where my demons hide {És on s'amaguen els dimonis} To hide hid hidden: amagar-se

64 It's where my demons hide

TASK 3. KEY VOCABULARY. Fill-in the blanks with the missing key vocabulary and fixed expressions:

(105)__________: dimoni, (106)__________: deu; (107)__________: sant; (108)__________: ànima

greed: avaricia

(109)__________: cell; hell: infern

(110)__________: pecat; (111)__________: pecador;

(112)__________: tomba. To (113)__________ dug dug a grave: cavar una tomba. To (114)__________ buried buried: enterrar.

(115)__________: mentida; truth: veritat. To (116)__________ told told the truth: dir la veritat. To (117)__________ lied lied: mentir

Fate: destí. Dependre del destí. To be was/were been up to fate

Fixed Expressions:

curtain’s call: caiguda del teló

I am hell bound: estic lligat a l’infern, estic condemnat a l’infern

To let let let somebody down: decebre


Rewrite the sentences from the song so that there are no contractions left.

There's nowhere we can hide = There (118)__________ nowhere we can hide: No hi ha enlloc on ens poguem amagar

It’s where my demons hide = It (119)__________ where my demonds hide: És on s'amaguen els meus dimonis

And the blood’s run stale = And the blood has run stale: I la sang s'he fossilitzat

I wanna hide the truth = I (120)__________ to hide the truth: Vull amagar la veritat. Wanna = want to. To (121)__________, -ed, -ed: voler

I wanna shelter you = I want (122)__________ shelter you: Vull acollir-te, donar-te refugi, refugiar-te

I wanna save that light = I (123)__________ (124)__________ save that light: Vull salvar aquella llum

I don't wanna let you down = I do (125)__________ want to let you down: No et vull decebre

I don’t wanna hide the truth = I (126)__________ not want to hide the truth: No vull amagar-te la veritat

The mascarade will come calling at the mess you’ve made = The mascarade will come calling at the mess you have done (subtitles in Spanish and English)