Evan Love Story (Video with Cat and Sp subtitles)

Created by BBDO New York and directed by Smuggler's Henry-Alex Rubin, "Evan" plays out as the story of a high school romance between a boy who's falling for a girl he communicates with by writing messages onto a desk in the library. They're not sure who each other is, and there are lots of longing glances across the cafeteria and classrooms as he tries to work it out.

Just as they find each other, there's a gut-wrenching twist -- and it becomes apparent, as we watch the previous scenes again, that another whole story has been playing out, and we've totally missed it as concentrate on the love story.

The message from Sandy Hook Promise is that, very often, warning signs are given off before an act of violence occurs -- but sometimes we don't see what is right in front of us.

"When you don't know what to look for or can't recognize what you are seeing, it can be easy to miss warning signs or dismiss them as unimportant. That can lead to tragic consequences, including someone hurting themselves or others", said Nicole Hockley, co-founder and managing director of Sandy Hook Promise, who lost her first-grade son Dylan in the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre.
