Pictures Paint a Thousand Words

Post date: Feb 04, 2016 3:14:7 PM

Khamelya Traversie, staff

Pictures have been “speaking” or sharing thoughts and insights as long as anyone can remember.

Each picture contains a unique story behind it. Stories range in passion, emotion and artistic vision. Often times, an individual will have a deep connection with a certain picture.

For many people, pictures represent a certain vents in their lives. Sometimes the fondest of memories are captured by cameras, and are referenced later.

“My favorite picture is from when I met All Time Low,” Jessie Capotrio (11) said. “I have idolized these men for so long, and I finally got the opportunity to meet them. It’s a reminder of one of the greatest days of my life.”

“I took one of my favorite photos in the fall toward the beginning of school. The dog pictured in the photo is named Nickel, but we just call her Niki,” Mady Baker (11) said. “We don’t know how old she is or where she came from. She used to just come over all the time to steal food and play with the other animals but now she refuses to leave.”

Not only can photos reflect memories, but they can also inspire and comfort their viewers. After looking at a photo, different people will see different stories. Photographers tell stories they don’t even know they are telling.

“I took this picture myself, right before a storm,” Madison Casteel (11) said. “To me this proves that beauty can be found, even if it’s the darkest of times and places. It makes me feel something, it reminds me what it’s like to feel alive.”

Not only do pictures tell stories, they can also make the viewers feel something greater than themselves. Photos can change the way observers think. They have the power to change the world.

Madison Casteel (11) captures the beauty right before a storm, showing how art can be visually as well as emotionally appealing.

photo submitted by Madison Casteel