Time changes everything

Post date: Apr 04, 2015 3:33:17 PM

Amber Lorius, staff

Every spring and fall, people all across the United States experience a time change. Whether it be losing or gaining an hour, everyone is affected by the adjustment. In the fall, we gain an hour, which means it gets darker an hour earlier. In the spring, though, we lose an hour and it gets darker later.

When asked why the time changes, sophomore Haylee Schipke said, “I think it’s for time to catch up.”

“I always thought it was the rotation of the earth,” sophomore Samantha Oliver said, “and something to do with the sun.”

The real reason the time changes, however, is to make more use of the daylight. Many places call the change “summertime.” Some people say the time change is mostly for the farmers, so they can stay out later to get their work done. Others say it’s just because it’s what we’ve always done.

No matter what the reason, students agree, for the most part, that the fall time change is better than the spring one.

“The time change in the spring is hard to adjust to because we lose an hour of sleep,” junior Krystle Weiger said.

The time change in the fall may be easier to adjust to, but it’s always nice to have an extra hour of daylight. It makes things brighter and you can get more done during the day. Once everyone gets used to the change, it isn’t so bad.

“I feel I can stay up later,” junior Emily Linneweber said. “When it's still light, I feel I can get more done.”