LWV of Oklahoma, Juvenile Justice
Date of Position
Name of Submitting League
LWV of Oklahoma
Title of Position
Juvenile Justice
Summary of Position
The League of Women Voters of Oklahoma (LWVOK) believes that the Oklahoma juvenile system should:
protect the basic constitutional rights of all parties,
reduce recidivism among offenders,
provide not only separation but also different treatment for delinquents, for dependent and neglected children, and for children in need of supervision;
provide an adequate number of secure, local detention beds and regional treatment centers in order to ensure both appropriate treatment and protection of the public;
provide strict and clearly defined consequences for serious criminal acts while preserving a system that has as its goal the teaching of responsible behavior rather than punishment, and
emphasize positive motivation, self-respect, and respect for the rules of society.
League or Contact Email Address
kjhcardenas@gmail.com - Karen Hardy Cárdenas, LWVOK Program Coordinator
League or Contact Phone Number