LWV of New Mexico, Energy and Mining

Date of Study

Adopted 1976; revised 1987, extensively revised 2014

Name of Submitting League

LWV of New Mexico

Title of Study

Position on Energy and Mining

Summary of Study

The League of Women Voters of New Mexico believes that government should promote and ensure responsible stewardship of our natural, human, and cultural resources, particularly in the face of growth and development. An essential prerequisite for protecting our resources is to require comprehensive analysis of the environmental and fiscal impacts of applications before issuing a development permit.

The League supports

    1. environmentally sound resource extraction, power production and transmission;

  1. strong measures to promote conservation of energy and water;

  2. rigorous regulation and enforcement to prevent mining and drilling activities from contaminating surface or ground water or the surrounding landscape;

  3. taxes on resource extraction and energy development in order to assist communities with associated infrastructure costs;

  4. adequate bonding on mining and drilling activities to fund clean-up operations in the event of abandonment by companies. Full Position

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