LWVNJ Study of Instate Tuition

Date of Study (month/year)

5/09 to 12/09

Name of Submitting League

LWV of New Jersey

Title of Study (limit 80 characters)

Instate Tuition

Summary of Study (limit 500 characters)

Most unauthorized immigrants who attend New Jersey’s public colleges pay out of state tuition, or roughly twice what their classmates pay. In contrast, we educate grade school children without regard to immigration status, as required by the 1982 Supreme Court decision Plyler v.Doe. LWVNJ supports instate tuition for recent graduates of NJ high schools without regard to immigrant status. We have lobbied our legislature using this position in 2010 and 2013.

League or Contact Email Address


League or Contact Phone Number


LWVNJ In_state_tutition_study_V[1].3.pdf