
Early Childhood Education


2008, LWV of Washington, Early Care and Education of Young Children - Birth to Five

2005, LWV of Seattle-King County, High Priority: Early Care and Education of Young Children Birth to Five

K-12 Education

Charter/Choice K-12


2019, LWV of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Education at the Beginning of the 21st Century

2018, LWV of Fresno, Charter Schools in Fresno

2018, LWV of the Fairfax Area, “Public Funds For Public Schools”

2015, LWV of Illinois, Charter School Position Update Study

2014, LWV of Florida, Charter Schools


2015, LWV of New Mexico, Education

2004, LWV California - Education Update Study 2003-05

Finance K-12


2019, LWV of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Education at the Beginning of the 21st Century

2011, LWV Rhode Island, Financing Public Education in Rhode Island

2006, LWV of New York State, Financing Public Education K-12 - Update

1999, LWV Oregon - K – 12 School District Financing


2019, LWV of Oklahoma, Education (overview of positions)

2017, LWV of Oklahoma, School Bonds

2015, LWV of New Mexico, Education

2004, LWV California - Education Update Study 2003-05

Governance K-12


2016, LWV of Chicago, Elected or Appointed School Board?: Governance of the Chicago Board of Education

2011, LWVUS, national study, The Role of Federal Government in Education

2011, LWV of South Carolina, School District Structure and Authority

2011, LWV of Portland, OR, Public School Districts in the City of Portland: Equity, Governance and Process


2004, LWV California - Education Update Study 2003-05

General K-12


2012, LWV of Montgomery County, MD, Testing in Montgomery County, MD Public Schools

2012, LWV of Seattle-King County, Fostering Effective Teaching: No Easy Answers

2005, LWV of Marion and Polk Counties OR, School Hours for Middle School and High School Students

2002, LWV of Wilton CT, School Start Time Study Report: Too Sleepy to Learn?

1996, LWV of Moscow, ID, After-school Activities for Youth Study


2015, LWV of New Mexico, Education

2005, LWV of Oklahoma, Education Curriculum

2004, LWV California - Education Update Study 2003-05

Higher Education

2017, LWV of Oregon, Public Postsecondary Education Study Update

2009, LWV New Jersey, LWVNJ Study of Instate Tuition

2007, LWV Colorado, LWVCO Study of Public Higher Education in Colorado

2003, LWV California, Community College Study 2001-03

1985, LWV of Oregon, Public Postsecondary Education in Oregon