Terms of Use

The Clearinghouse mission is to:

  • Empower and engage Leagues and League members around the country to share and build upon the studies and study processes developed by Leagues in the course of their core mission.

  • Disseminate the knowledge and related benefits effectively and usefully within the national League organization.

You are free to:

  • Read and download all materials free of charge.

  • Share and reuse all downloaded material, provided that attribution is given to the originating League and study materials that are reused or referenced.

  • Contribute additional studies to the Clearinghouse via the process at How to Submit a Study.

Under the following conditions:

  • Responsibility – Your League takes complete responsibility for its own activities using this material, and the results of such activities.

  • Lawful Behavior – You do not violate copyright or other laws.

  • No Harm – You do not harm our technology infrastructure.

  • Terms of Use and Policies – You adhere to these Terms of Use and to the applicable League policies when you visit our website or participate in the Clearinghouse.

With the understanding that:

  • You are urged to share the results of your League’s studies and study process that used the material you obtained on this website.

  • Use of this material will be for non-commercial purposes.

  • No Professional Advice – the content of the material on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice.