LWV of North Carolina, Emerging Alternatives for Reasonable Redistricting Reform

Date Study Completed


Name of Submitting League

LWV of North Carolina

Title of Study

Emerging Alternatives for Reasonable Redistricting Reform

Summary of Study

States like NC that lack citizen-initiated referendum face severe difficulties in redistricting reform. To explore reform designs relevant to such states, we analyzed 50 reform bills that a) included some type of commission and b) were introduced in 15 state legislatures and the US Congress in 2017 (sourced from the Brennan site). The report summarizes and assesses the redistricting commission models presented in these bills and formulates principles for a moderate commission design.

League or Contact Email Address

bremer.jennifer@gmail.com or bremer@lwvnc.org

League or Contact Phone Number


Emerging Alternatives for Reasonable Redistricting Reform.pdf