LWV of New York State, Financing Public Education K-12 - Update

Date Study Completed (month/year)


Name of Submitting League

LWV of New York State

Title of Study (limit 80 characters)

Financing Public Education K-12 - Update

Summary of Study (limit 500 characters)

In 2005 the LWVNYS began a review of its Financing K-12 Education position, with emphasis on charter schools, the State Taxpayer Relief Program (STAR program), and how to raise funds to finance the Campaign for Fiscal Equity relief on a statewide basis. The first phase updating the Financing Education position was completed and announced in spring of 2006.

League or Contact Email Address


League or Contact Phone Number


URL(s) of study, position or related documents


Attached documents:


Study Rationale (SUMMARY 2)

Money Money

Consensus Part I as updated April 9 2006

LWVNYS consensus questions January 27, 2006

Study Rationale.DOC
LWVNYS consensus questions January 27, 2006.doc
Consensus Part I as updated April 9 2006.doc
Money Money.doc