LWV of the Fairfax Area, Dillon’s Rule in 2017 How Much Does it Matter?
Date Study Completed
Name of Submitting League
LWV of the Fairfax Area (Virginia)
Title of Study
Dillon’s Rule in 2017 How Much Does it Matter?
Summary of Study
The history of municipal or town rule, beginning with London, stretches back to the 11th century in England. In 1868 Justice John F. Dillon of the Iowa Supreme Court ruled in the case of City of Clinton v. Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad Company that municipal governments are the creation of the state and, therefore, have no inherent rights but are limited to exercising only the powers states grant to them.
League or Contact Email Address
Julie Jones: program@lwv-fairfax.org
URL(s) of study, position or related documents