Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Date of Study (month/year)
Name of Submitting League
League of Women Voters of Delaware
Title of Study (limit 80 characters)
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Enhancing Transit Options & Wiser Land Use Planning
Summary of Study (limit 500 characters)
In the spring of 2011 the Land Use/Transportation Committee presented to all three counties a powerpoint summary of their findings on the relation of carbon dioxide emissions to land use and transportation. These consensus meetings followed two years of study which included interviews with county and metropolitan planning organization planners, elected officials from all three counties and the Director of the Office of State Planning Coordination. Files include resulting positions.
League or Contact Email Address
League or Contact Phone Number
If linked documents: URL(s) of study, position or related documents
Scroll down to LWVDE studies and click on the link under “Land Use/Transportation Study”
entitled, “position document.” The presentation slide show is available electronically by contacting the submitter.