LWV of Glencoe, IL, Regional Solid Waste Study

Date of Study (month/year)


Name of Submitting League

LWV of Glencoe, IL

Title of Study (limit 80 characters)

Solid Waste and Recycling Study Part II - Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook Co

Summary of Study (limit 500 characters)

The Glencoe League of Women Voters undertook a 2-part study of solid waste management in our community and in the Northern Cook County region beginning in late 2010.

The study team reported on Glencoe Village solid waste management practices in Part 1 of our report. The second part of the study covers the operations, governance, and outlook for our regional garbage handling processes, which are managed by the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC), a consortium of 23 municipalities. (See position in attached file below.)

League or Contact Email Address

Teresa Grosch, president - teresagrosch@hotmail.com

Study team leaders: Laurie Morse - Morsel6@comcast.net and Rhonda Diamond - iteach325@hotmail.com

League or Contact Phone Number

Laurie Morse at 847-767-0289

Solid Waste Study report for LWVEF clearing house.pdf
Solid Waste_Glencoe, IL_position.doc