LWV Providence (RI), State Funding of Local Libraries
Date Study Completed
Name of Submitting League
LWV of Providence (RI)
Title of Study
State Funding of Local Libraries
Summary of Study
In June 2014 the Providence League of Women Voters, concerned about the status of urban public libraries, adopted, as a study item, “State Funding of Local Libraries;” specifically, the League studied the state’s formula for allocating money to local governments to support those communities’ libraries.
The League of Women Voters of Rhode Island adopted the Providence position by concurrence at its Convention on June 1, 2017.
League or Contact Email Address
Maureen Romans at: mromans1031@yahoo.com
Approved Library Position_RI.pdf
Consensus Results.docx
Consensus Questions_Liz.doc
Library Analysis Report Nov 3.pdf