LWVIL Criminal Justice Position Update Study

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Date Study Completed


Name of Submitting League

LWV of Illinois

Title of Study

LWVIL Criminal Justice Position Update Study

Summary of Study

The study made needed modifications to the existing position and added topics to the position. These sections were updated or added:

Investing In Communities to Reduce Crime and Violence, Bias in the Criminal Justice System, Equitable and Appropriate Treatment of People in the Criminal Justice System, Data Collection and Transparency, Policing, Pre-Trial Procedures, Courtroom Procedures and Access, Sentencing Laws and Procedures, Alternatives to Incarceration, Illinois Department of Corrections, Post Incarceration and Sentence Completion: From Recidivism to Successful Reentry Funding

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Background information for all 14 Study Questions FINAL.pdf
Overview of Criminal Justice Study Presented at State Convention June, 2021.pdf
Two Video Presentations to League Members to Prepare Them for Consensus.pdf
LWVIL updated Criminal Justice Position .pdf
YES-NO Chart for Questions.pdf