High Priority: Early Care and Education of Young Children Birth to Five
Date Study Completed
Name of Submitting League
LWV of Seattle-King County
Title of Study
High Priority: Early Care and Education of Young Children Birth to Five
Summary of Study
Since 1990 more families have come to need care, brain research on the learning capacity of babies and young children has shown that attention to learning should begin earlier, and research has shown that quality preschools provide a big return on investment in the education and development of young children.
This study addresses what is happening in the whole system of care and education of children from birth to five, particularly in King County and the key strategies needed to increase the quality of early learning programs. As funding is also a critical issue, the study considers various proposals to ensure funding for early childhood education. Also includes a survey of programs for parents and caregivers, and programs that focus on school readiness.
League or Contact Email Address
League or Contact Phone Number
(206) 329-4848
If linked documents: URL(s) of study, position or related documents
High Priority: Early Care and Education of Young Children Birth to Five