LWV of New Mexico, Living Wage

Date of Study


Name of Submitting League

LWV of New Mexico

Title of Study

Position on Living Wage

Summary of Study

The League of Women Voters of New Mexico (LWVNM) believes that alleviating poverty is the shared responsibility of government, employers, individuals, and non-profit assistance organizations. All sectors should be involved in setting an adequate minimum wage or living wage. The living wage is the minimum required to avoid poverty without government assistance and subsidies. The living wage (gross income) should cover the costs of food, clothing, housing, energy, transportation, health care, K-12 education, child care, taxes (income, Social Security), and supplemental expenses for work and school.

The LWVNM supports the passage by the state legislature of a minimum wage law tied to the cost of living and also supports the passage of minimum wage ordinances by local governments, if they perceive a need.

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