LWV of Boulder County, CO, Minimum/Living Wages

Date of Study (month/year)


Name of Submitting League

LWV of Boulder County (LWVBC), Colorado

Title of Study (limit 80 characters)

Minimum/Living Wages

Summary of Study (limit 500 characters)

Local vs. state jurisdiction and control of minimum wage in Boulder County.

The study resulted in LWVBC position calling for local jurisdictions to have the authority to exceed state minimum wages, a community-wide effort to address local wage law, and results/effects data distribution on any wage law instituted. The position tasks government with addressing an adequate minimum wage or living wage in efforts to alleviate poverty. While not calling directly for a living wage, position defines living wage and recommends factors for determining it.

League or Contact Email Address


League or Contact Phone Number


If linked documents: URL(s) of study, position or related documents

