Washington's Dynamic Forests, Parts 1 & 2

Date of Study (month/year)

Part I November 1998

Part 2 September 2000

Name of Submitting League

LWV of Washington

Title of Study (limit 80 characters)

Washington’s Dynamic Forests: A Study of Forests and Forest Issues

Summary of Study (limit 500 characters)

A two-part study of forests and forest issues for citizens who wish to understand the history, policies and current issues of forests in our state. Part 1 presents the history of Washington forests, the current state of Washington’s forests including concerns, and federal and state laws such as the Endangered Species Act and its impact on forest management.

Part 2 examines the economics of forests, specifically the implications of our global economy and the forestry issues raised at the 1999 World Trade Organization meeting held in Seattle. It brings the reader up to date on changing forest practices regulations. The study also looks at management: the exchange and sale of public lands (both federal and state) and the pressure on federally granted state lands to cut timber for revenue to support education

League or Contact Email Address


League or Contact Phone Number


Linked documents: URL(s) of study

1998 Part 1 - http://www.lwvwa.org/pdfs/studies/forests1.pdf

2000 Part 2 - http://www.lwvwa.org/pdfs/studies/forests2.pdf