Ending Homelessness in King County

Date of Study


Name of Submitting League

LWV of Seattle-KingCounty

Title of Study

Ending Homelessness in King County

Summary of Study

For a range of practical and humane reasons, service providers, advocates, and government agencies have shifted the way in which they view homelessness. The view is shifting from homelessness as an intractable problem to something we as cities, as counties, as states, and as a nation, can end – and can end within ten years.

in 2005, civic leaders in King County adopted plan: A Roof Over every Bed in King County: Our Community’s Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness. This study is an overview of homelessness in King County, a summary of national and local strategies for ending homelessness, a synopsis of King County’s Plan to End Homelessness, and a discussion of some of the challenges and opportunities we face.

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URL of Study
