Water in Oregon: Not a Drop to Waste

Date Study Completed

2009 and 2010

Name of Submitting League

LWV of Oregon

Title of Study

Water in Oregon: Not a Drop to Waste

Summary of Study

Part 1 is a concise review of the current Oregon laws and regulations for water resources and water quality; 2009.

Part 2 covers the current issues facing water quality and quantity from the perspectives of stakeholder groups throughout the state; 2010.

League or Contact Email Address


League or Contact Phone Number

503 581-5722

Part 1 is a concise review of the current Oregon laws and regulations for water resources and water quality; 2009

Part 1: Regulating Water in Oregon(36 pgs; pdf)

Water in Oregon Part 1 2009 Online Version (html)

Part 1: Executive Summary (4 pgs; pdf)

Part 1: Slideshow Presentation (PowerPoint)

Part 1: Printable Slideshow (pdf)

Part 2 covers the current issues facing water quality and quantity from the perspectives of stakeholder groups throughout the state; 2010.

Part 2: Issues and Perspectives (40 pgs; pdf)

Water in Oregon Part II 2010 Online Version (html)

Part 2: Executive Summary (4 pgs; pdf)

Part 2: Slideshow Presentation (PowerPoint)

Part 2: Printable Slideshow (pdf)

Video presentation

Water Policy – Quality and Quantity.pdf