Backgrounder: Minimum and Living Wage

Date of Backgrounder

April 2014

Note: This is not a League study.

Name of Submitting League

LWV of Seattle-King County

Title of Backgrounder

An Overview of Minimum and Living Wage Laws


The national spotlight is on King County as two cities, Sea-Tac and Seattle, are moving to raise the living and minimum wages, respectively. The LWV Seattle-King County Economics and Taxation Committee prepared this backgrounder to help members increase their understanding of the minimum and living wage issue.

The backgrounder includes the history of the minimum wage in the US, the context of the US economy, the difference between minimum and living wage, an overview of federal and state minimum wage laws, and an overview of local living wage and minimum wage laws,

League or Contact Email Address

League or Contact Phone Number


Linked documents: URL(s) of study

Introduction -- page 1

Backgrounder -- page 17

Discussion Questions -- page 16
