LWV of New Mexico, Children and Families
Date of Study
Adopted 1977; revised 1978, 1979, 1985, 1993, 1995, 2003, 2015
Name of Submitting League
LWV of New Mexico
Title of Study
Position on Children and Families
Summary of Study
The League of Women Voters of New Mexico believes that our state has no resource of greater importance than its children. Programs, personnel and facilities that promote and encourage the child's fullest development must be a high priority within the private sector as well as in city, county and state governments.
League or Contact Email Address
League or Contact Phone Number
If linked documents: URL(s) of study, position or related documents
Scroll down to see Children and Families position: http://www.lwvnm.org/positions.html
LWVNM Position on Children and Families.doc