Records & GRAMA

Administrators & Secretaries:

Given the 21st century climate we work in, the importance of maintaining compliance to GRAMA is at a high level. Schools and the District deal with public, private, controlled, and protected records. Utah GRAMA is very specific as to who and how records can be shared with, accessed by the public, and retained. Each building should ensure there is at least one certified records officer in the building, and we recommend each principal and at least one secretary become a certified records officer. In situations that involve critical records, i.e. special education and counselors, principals should consider having key personnel become certified records officers as well.

The certification process with State Archives is available online and can be accessed at the Online Records Officer Certification link. Certified records officers are required to re-certify annually. Because of the serious nature of government records under GRAMA law, schools should 1) identify your records officers, 2) inform the district who they are, and 3) notify the district office when they have completed the certification process.

Utah School Boards Association - Public Records Recommended Policy & Procedures (2015-16) for compliance

GRAMA Request Form

Online Records Officer Certification

Utah State Archives

Utah State Archives Records Retention Schedules

School District Retention Schedules

General Schedule for All School District Offices

School District Offices

School Records