Sale/Disposal of Surplus Property
Sale/Disposal of Surplus Property Checklist
INTERNAL CONTROLS & DELEGATED AUTHORITY: Accountability and control of public property paid for by public funds shall be treated with care and due diligence. The Business Administrator shall ensure these procedures are adhered to with this in mind.
TRANSFER TO OTHER SCHOOLS/PROGRAMS: Before any property is declared "surplus property" for disposal, the school/program/department must contact all schools/programs/departments within the District and solicit possible interest to transfer the property where it can be readily used in the District. This solicitation at a minimum shall be done through the District electronic mail system and shall be documented in the District's accounting records.
BOARD OF EDUCATION APPROVAL REQUIRED: If there are no schools/departments/programs interested in obtaining and using the property, the next step is to obtain Board of Education approval to declare the property as "surplus property" no longer needed in the District. The Board of Education, based upon recommendations they receive, will determine the best method for disposal of the property. The Board will consider factors such as usability, cost vs. benefits for various disposal methods, and recommendations they receive. The most common methods of disposal include:
1. Sale Through Public Auction (preferred when feasible):
This may be done through an online or in-person auction. If an online auction is used, the District shall periodically advertise in a local newspaper of general circulation the District's use of the online system; so local patrons are made aware of this practice. If an in-person auction is used, this shall be advertised at least twice in two separate weeks before the auction is conducted.
Online Auction:
The Superintendent may delegate responsibility to a student group at Beaver High School and another student group at Milford High School to oversee the District's participation with the auction website. Beaver High School will oversee sales for Beaver High School and Belknap Elementary School. Milford High School will oversee sales for Minersville School, Milford Elementary School, and Milford High School.
Student groups will organize and gather information to manage the website for the district in relation to specific online auction sales. The funds received from the auction sales will be used fund the student groups that oversee the auction sales. However, funds received from the sales must cover related costs for sales.
Schools and departments will provide pictures and information to the student groups for auction processing.
Schools and departments will retain and store surplus property at their locations until sold.
The auction website shall include the following requirements as part of the auction:
-"Sold as is"
- "Purchaser shall arrange for property pick-up at: (school location)"
2. Sale to other governmental entities at a Board approved price
3. Trade-in for new property
4. Other method (including disposal through waste management)
TECHNOLOGY: The Board may determine it best to protect confidential information in relation to technology computers and equipment. Where confidential information may exist, storage devices and hard drives may be destroyed to protect confidential information.
ASSET INVENTORY: Schools and programs must ensure the district's asset inventory and related records are properly accounted for. Procedures shall require all involved to report accurately the transfer, sale, or disposal of surplus property to the district office.