Purchasing Procedures - Other

1. Delegation of Purchasing Authority: Schools and programs are delegated authority to oversee purchases up to $9,999. Purchases greater than $9,999 must be processed through the central district office. Schools and programs are given authority to designate one secretary/clerk to process purchases up to $9,999. School and program administrators must ensure all internal controls and purchasing procedures are followed for purchases up to $9,999. School and program administrators must ensure all internal controls and purchasing procedures for purchases over $9,999 are referred to the central district office for processing no matter what the source of funds for the purchase are.

2. Conflicts of Interest: Where conflicts of interest exist, these purchases must be referred and overseen by the central district office. Conflicts of interest include situations where schools/programs have employees directly related to those who have a direct private interest in the transaction.

2. Small Purchases: Any purchase less than $50,000 is considered to be a small purchase.

3. Board Approval Required: Any purchase of $50,000 or greater must receive prior-board approval before processing.

3. Minimum Order Pre-Approval Documentation Requirements: All purchases of $1,000 or more must document pre-approval from the appropriate administrator(s) with the appropriate number of authorization signatures, before the order is sent to the vendor. Schools/programs may require pre-approval of orders under $1,000. This is normally done using the district’s order authorization form. This may also be done using an online electronic order process but a hard copy of the order and authorizations must be on file for reference.. No order may be sent to a vendor/contractor until all pre-authorization requirements have been met.