Beaver County School District - Revenue Account Codes

Revenues. The District’s revenue account code structure is designed to meet national and state reporting standards. All revenues (income) must conform and be accounted for using this account code structure.


(# of digits) (2) (3) (4) (4) (3)

Fund - Location - Program - Function - Object

Fund: This 2-digit code is usually programmed into the accounting system, so most administrators and directors don’t need to worry about this code. If you don’t know this code, that’s ok, because the accounting system will automatically assign this code based upon the other codes you identify for each revenue. This code is most meaningful for financial reporting purposes to outside entities and is usually not very meaningful to internal departments and schools.


104 - Belknap ES

108 - Milford ES

112 - Minersville Grades K-6

500 - District

704 - Beaver HS

708 - Milford HS

712 - Minersville Grades 7-8

Program: All revenues must be coded accurately to reflect the program which received revenues. This is critical as each program is subject to specific accountability and compliance requirements. The federal government, Utah State Office of Education, and our independent auditors look at this very closely for compliance. Most administrators and secretaries can find this 4-digit code by looking at their budget reports within their assigned responsibility centers.

Object: All revenues have an object code of "999". This designates the transaction as a revenue source, separate from expenditure object codes.

Function: All revenues must be coded accurately to reflect the function which is associated with each revenue source. Function codes are designed to describe the source of funding for each revenue stream. This is critical as each function is specifically defined by state and federal agencies for compliance and is also a key reporting element for the district’s audited annual financial reports. The following are common revenue codes used throughout the district:

Local Revenue Sources:

11xx Property tax revenues

1500 Interest earnings

1610 Sales - School Lunch

1710 Gates & Admissions

1740 Student Fees

1750 Vending Sales

1920 Fundraisers & Donations

1950 E-Rate

1900 Other miscellaneous local revenue sources

State Revenue Sources:

3010 Regular School Programs K-12 WPU

3015 Necessarily Ex. Small Schools

3025 Administrative Costs

3105 Special Education Add-On

3155 CTE Add-On

3209 Adult Education

3211 Gifted & Talented

3212 Advanced Placement

3213 Concurrent Enrollment

3215 At-Risk

3219 At-Risk

3230 Class-Size Reduction

3415 Pupil Transportation

3805 Reading

3876 Educator Salary Adjustment

3900 Other State Revenue Source

Federal Revenue Sources:

4572 IDEA Pre-School Special Ed.

4574 IDEA K-12 Special Ed.

4801 Title I

4830 Migrant Education

4860 Title II