Approved Minutes - 8/5/13 Board Meeting

Board of Education

Beaver County School District

Meeting Date: August 5, 2013

Last Revised: August 6, 2013

Approved by Board: September 11, 2013

The following are minutes taken from the Regular Board Meeting of the Beaver County School District Board of Education held on August 5, 2013. This meeting was conducted at the District Office building located at 291 North Main, Beaver, Utah, 84713.

Board Member Attendance

● Board President—Nicholas Dotson (Precinct 2): Present

● Board Vice President—Carolyn White (Precinct 1): Present

● Board Member—Richard Limb (Precinct 4): Present

● Board Member—Lisa Carter (Precinct 5): Present

● Board Member—Kristina Brown (Precinct 3): Present

School District Personnel Attendance

  • Dr. Ray Terry, Superintendent

  • Todd Burke, Business Administrator

  • Tracy Davis, Programs Director

Other Patrons Who Attended

  • David Green, Beaver High School Principal

  • Janett Bradshaw, OEK teacher at Belknap Elementary

  • Brady Fails, Belknap Elementary School Principal

  • Marilee Eyre, Early Year Enhancement Program

  • LaRayne Brown, Literacy Program

  • Jody Heaps, Minersville School Principal

  • Karen Johnson, Milford Elementary School Principal, District Special Education Director

  • Sarah George, Milford Elementary School Teacher

  • David Cluff, Milford High School Principal

  • Brian Williamson, Milford High School

  • Luke Porter, Milford High School

  • Michelle Carter, Beaver/Milford High School

  • Ashley Johnson

  • Jamie Willden, Milford Elementary School

  • Cory Call

  • Michelle Wiseman, Milford Elementary School

  • Kiesha Orton, Belknap Elementary School

  • Natalie Dalton, Belknap Elementary School

Work Session Meeting (11:00 am)

Board President Dotson opened the meeting, and the meeting was convened at 11:00 am. President Dotson was the conducting authority of the meeting.

Discussion & Presentations: Strategic plans and goals for schools and programs, introduction of new employees:

Beaver High School (David Green):

  • Update on hiring of new English teacher

  • Reviewed high school rankings: U.S. News ranking--Beaver High School is ranked #11; KSL ranking--Beaver High School is ranked #13.

  • Update on new science lab renovation

  • Strategic Goals & Initiatives: 1) Change in block schedule, 2) offering of two advanced placement courses this year, 3) staff development with Tim Frost, 4) PLC initiatives, 5) safety initiatives, 6) continuation of back-to-school night and community awareness, 7) ACT and state assessment results and trends

Belknap Elementary School (Brady Fails):

  • Introduction of Mr. Reagan Williams (2nd Grade)

  • Introduction of Mrs. Janett Bradshaw (OEK)

  • Review of projected results from state assessments

  • Review of 5th grade successes for last year

  • Review of the school literacy program and leveled reading library

  • Belknap’s music program is considered one of the top programs in the state

  • Received Utah Tile I High Performing School award last year

Early Year Enhancement Program (Marilee Eyre):

  • Reviewed examples of new teacher portfolios and Utah Standards

  • EYE is required by the state for all new teachers

  • Reviewed mentor and mentee training requirements

  • Reviewed the program’s mission, vision, values, and goals of the program

Literacy Program—Elementary Schools & High Schools (LaRayne Brown):

  • Reviewed the Comprehensive Balanced Literacy Program in the district

  • Reviewed the data and assessment trends

  • Schools have experienced notable improvements in the state assessment scores for last year.

  • Reviewed the improvements in school leveled-reading library

  • Reviewed the reading program in the adult education program at the correctional facility

Lunch--12:00 pm

Minersville School (Jody Heaps):

  • Reviewed the school mission statement

  • Reviewed school goals and assessment trends

  • The school has aligned its strategic plan with its Trustlands and Title I plan.

  • Reviewed school successes and community involvement in the school

  • Continuing to implement the PLC/MTSS approach

  • Reviewed the plan to implement the BTS Music/Arts grant for this year

Milford Elementary School (Karen Johnson & Sarah George):

  • Reviewed the school mission, vision, goals, and core beliefs

  • Reviewed the MTSS/PLC efforts in the school

  • Reviewed the BTS Music/Arts grant impact upon the school

  • Reviewed the math interventions being put in place to improve student achievement

  • Last year’s projected state assessment results were discussed and indications are that student achievement has improved.

District Special Education Program (Karen Johnson):

  • Discussed the new peer tutoring program at Beaver High School

  • Superintendent Terry summarized the changes occurring in the staffing structure to bring the program into a balanced budget.

Review of Changes and Additions to District Website—Policies & Procedures

  • Compliance with USOE Rule 277-113

  • Follow up to State Auditors letter to district

Regular Board Meeting – Preliminary (2:00 pm)

Board President Dotson opened the meeting, and the meeting was convened at 2:00 pm. President Dotson was the conducting authority of the meeting.

● Welcome by President Nick Dotson

● Pledge of Allegiance lead by Todd Burke

● Student & Staff Recognitions:

The Board recognized the following individuals/groups for outstanding achievement:

Beaver High School Forensics:

Meili Christiansen - received the "Show Me Excellence" Award at Nationals. This award is given to those that have participated four years at the national level of competition.

Beaver High School All-State Baseball (Deseret News):

Tanner Gale - Honorable Mention

Dallon Murdock - Second Team

Jesse McMullin- Second Team

Tilston Bradshaw - Second Team

Lyndon Bradshaw - Second Team

Sam Myers - 2A MVP

All-State Softball (Deseret News):

Keara Hofheins- Honorable Mention

● Board Discussion—Public Input Procedures: The Board discussed the procedures to be used to accommodate public input. The discussion centered upon accommodating public input regarding the new core curriculum.

Regular Board Meeting – Consent Items (2:12 pm)

Consent Item: Approval of Open & Closed Meeting Minutes for Board Meeting Held on June 19, 2013

Motion to Approve Made By: Carolyn White

Motion Seconded By: Kristina Brown

Board Vote: Unanimous

Consent Item: Approval of Preliminary School Financial Reports for Prior Year – School Activity Funds

Motion to Approve Made By: Richard Limb

Motion Seconded By: Kristina Brown

Board Vote: Unanimous

Consent Item: Board Travel Expense Reimbursements (None)

Consent Item: Travel Requests

Motion to Approve Made By:

Motion Seconded By:

Board Vote: Unanimous

Regular Board Meeting – Action Items (2:15 pm)

Action Items: Facilities & Property Items

· Milford High School Surplus Property

o MHS Backstop

o Approval for scrap metal sale

o MHS snowplows and attachments

Motion to Approve Made By: Richard Limb

Motion Seconded By: Carolyn White

Board Vote: Unanimous

Action Items: Personnel

· OEK Teacher, Belknap Elementary School, Janett Bradshaw

· Full-Time Mechanic, Kenton Moss

· BHS English Teacher (not considered and voted upon)

Motion to Approve Made By: Kristina Brown

Motion Seconded By: Lisa Carter

Board Vote: Unanimous

Action Items: Purchasing

· $1,000+ Purchase Limit Exceptions for Routine Supply Purchases

· Approval of Purchases & Payments for BHS Power Repairs

Motion to Approve Made By: Carolyn White

Motion Seconded By: Richard Limb

Board Vote: Unanimous

Action Items: Budget

· Health Insurance, Regence Premium Rebate for FY2013

· The board directs the district to set aside this rebate to help fund future insurance premium costs for an upcoming year.

Motion to Approve Made By: Lisa Carter

Motion Seconded By: Kristina Brown

Board Vote: Unanimous

Action Items: Policies

School Sponsored Activities R277-113; 3rd Reading

Motion to Approve Made By: Carolyn White

Motion Seconded By: Kristina Brown

Board Vote: Unanimous

Policy CEAB: Emergency Preparedness and Response; 2nd Reading

Motion to Approve Made By: Lisa Carter

Motion Seconded By: Richard Limb

Board Vote: Unanimous

Staff Leave Policy; 2nd Reading

o Principals have requested a clarification be added providing school administrators the option to deny a leave request based upon school need. These changes will be made for the 3rd reading in the next board meeting.

Motion to Approve Made By: Richard Limb

Motion Seconded By: Kristina Brown

Board Vote: Unanimous

Multiple Policies Considered By the Board in a Single Adoption:

  • Policy BEA: Board Meetings, Notice Requirements

  • Policy BEB: Board Meetings, Recordings & Minutes

  • Policy CEB: District Emergency Response Plan

  • Policy CJ: Transportation

  • **Policy DBB: Contracts, Classified Employees (removed with no plan for adoption)

  • Policy DEB: Retirement

  • Policy ECC: Curriculum, Reading Achievement for K-3

  • Policy FDACD: Health Requirements & Services: Medical Recommendations by School Personnel to Parents

  • **Policy FDAH: Concussion & Head Injury (consideration and adoption is being delayed until next meeting)

  • Policy FEA: Education & Family Privacy

  • Policy FGAD: Student Rights & Responsibilities: Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, & Hazing

  • Policy FHA: Safe Schools

  • Policy FI: Student Fees, Fines, and Charges

  • Policy GCA: Conduct on School Premises

  • Policy GE: School Community Councils

Motion to Approve Made By: Carolyn White

Motion Seconded By: Lisa Carter

Board Vote: Unanimous

**Note: Policies FDAH and DBB were not approved with this motion

Closed Board Meeting (2:37 pm)

Closed meetings by law may be held for the purpose of discussions related to the Competence and Character of Individuals, Collective Bargaining, Property (Purchase and/or Sale), and Security.

A motion was made to enter into a closed meeting for the purpose of collective bargaining.

Purpose of Closed Meeting: Collective Bargaining

Motion to Enter Closed Meeting Made By: Carolyn White

Motion Seconded By: Lisa Carter

Board Vote: Unanimous

President Dotson: Aye

Vice President White: Aye

Board Member Carter: Aye

Board Member Brown: Aye

Board Member Limb: Aye

Those present during the closed meeting:

· Board President Dotson

· Board Vice President White

· Board Member Carter

· Board Member Limb

· Board Member Brown

· Superintendent Terry

· Business Administrator, Todd Burke

Closed Meeting Ended At: 3:00 pm

Motion to End Closed Meeting Made By: Richard Limb

Motion Seconded By: Lisa Carter

Board Vote: Unanimous

Regular Board Meeting – Information Items (3:00 pm)

Information Item: Milford High School: David Cluff, Rebecca Grimley

Principal Cluff reviewed the school’s goals and strategic plan.

Principal Cluff reviewed key assessment trends and successes.

Technology changes in the school were discussed.

Staff development efforts with Tim Frost are a key part to school improvement.

Changes in course offerings and the new block schedule were reviewed.

Mr. Cluff reviewed the new staff members at Milford High School.

The Board requested Mr. Cluff summarize the school’s plan for replacing the baseball backstop, funding for the project; and Superintendent Terry provided Mr. Cluff with specific instructions for compliance to the Surplus Property policy—including public auction.

Information Item: ESL Presentation: Karen Johnson & Class

Introduction of ESL educators to the Board

Core practices and beliefs were presented to the Board

Recommendation: The team recommended a district ESL team be formed to improve and develop the district-wide program, improve communications with parents and students with regard to ESL curriculum and instruction, and assessment.

Regular Board Meeting – Discussion Items (3:30 pm)

Superintendent Report

o Priorities for delegate assembly

  • Funding of new growth

  • Social security and retirement

  • Professional development

  • Strategic investment in capital assets such as buses

Business Administrator Report

o CTE Closeout Financials $115,000 FY13 deficit

Deficit was funded by approximately $50,000 from Nec. Ex. Small Schools program, remaining deficit was funded from CTE unspent funds (reserves) from prior years

o Special Education Closeout Financials: We don’t have enough information yet from the closeout to pass on to the Board

o Feedback from state transportation director and the positive direction the program is going

New Bus Driver Trainer—Evelyn Wright

Changes and improvements in data reporting

Staffing changes in the program

o Implementation of collections agency throughout the district and parent notification letter

o New retirement benefits law

Programs Director Report

o Reviewed the SWATC relationship and funding for district CTE programs

o New 1 period automobile maintenance class at Beaver High School

Board Assignment Reports

o President Dotson

Thanks to everyone for work on summer projects

o Vice President White

Encourage everyone to attend the Leadership Academy

o Board Member Brown

Consideration of changing student of the year criteria, notification to principals that possible changes may be forthcoming

o Board Member Limb

Report on trip abroad

o Board Member Carter

Emergency Preparedness – AEDs and elementary schools

Closed Board Meeting (4:00 pm) - Continuation of Previous Closed Meeting

Closed meetings by law may be held for the purpose of discussions related to the Competence and Character of Individuals, Collective Bargaining, Property (Purchase and/or Sale), and Security.

A motion was made to enter into a closed meeting for the purpose of collective bargaining.

Purpose of Closed Meeting: Collective Bargaining – Superintendent Contract (continued)

Motion to Enter Closed Meeting Made By: Kristina Brown

Motion Seconded By: Lisa Carter

Board Vote: Unanimous

President Dotson: Aye

Vice President White: Aye

Board Member Carter: Aye

Board Member Brown: Aye

Board Member Limb: Aye

Those present during the closed meeting:

· Board President Dotson

· Board Vice President White

· Board Member Carter

· Board Member Limb

· Board Member Brown

· Superintendent Terry

· Business Administrator, Todd Burke

Closed Meeting Ended At: 5:50 pm

Motion to End Closed Meeting Made By: Carolyn White

Motion Seconded By: Lisa Carter

Board Vote: Unanimous

Regular Board Meeting – Adjournment (6:15 pm)

President Dotson adjourned and dismissed the meeting at 6:15pm.

Next Scheduled Board Meeting: Board meeting has been changed from September 12th to September 11th @ the District Office, located at 291 North Main, Beaver, Utah, 84713.


Nicholas Dotson, Board of Education President


Todd S. Burke, Business Administrator