Narrative Dialogue

Dialogue Learning Target

Dialogue = People Talking

1)  "What was said," (actual words)

2)  Who is talking.

3) How it was said. (What they are doing)

By Mark Crilley, author of Brody's Ghost gives 10 tips on improving your dialogue (17 minutes)

Dialogue Chain.rtf

In pairs, students practice writing dialogue by putting a conversation on paper.  

Incorporate alternate words for "said."

Print this on the reverse of the dialogue chain:

Words to use instead of Said from We Are Teachers

or  Said is Dead FREE from Teachers Pay Teachers 

Dialogue Comic Strip Model.docx

Use Cartoons to teach how to punctuate Dialogue.  Give students a comic sheet to translate to dialogue.  

Link back to Middle School LessonsLinks checked by on 10/17/2023Taught with 7th grade students at Stanford on 10/17/2023