Documentary Photography

Image Source: Snopes

This is a good example of how images can be real, but used out of context.  

Read:  Did a Sperm Whale Die after swallowing 64 pounds of plastic debris? from Snopes.

This assignment is an extension of My Perpectives, Grade 7, From the text:  Eagle Tracking at Follensby Pond p. 412-419

Documentary Photography 

Photographs taken with the main purpose of recording a place, event, or a person.  

Study each photograph with it's caption using these strategies:


LOOK at each image and determine who or what it portrays.


NOTE elements in each image that you find interesting and want to revisit. 


CONNECT details in the images to other media you've experienced, texts you've read, or images you've viewed


RESPOND by completing the Comprehension Check. 

Choose the photo and caption that you found most interesting or informative. Share your choice with the group, and discuss why you chose it. Explain what you noticed in the photo and caption, what questions it raised for you, and what conclusions you reached about it. 


How did this photo gallery contribute to your understanding of the ways in which people affect the environment? 


Choose a photo that shows the human effect on the Environment. Share your choice with your group, and discuss why you chose it. Explain what you noticed in the photo and caption, what questions it raised for you, and what conclusions you reached about it. 

Library Lesson on Visual Literacy

Look at the two photos below, by altering the photo, the message is completely changed.  

Photograph Analysis

Independent Practice:

Find a photo that shows the human effect on the environment.  Answer the questions.  Find the image source.  

Students Make A Copy of this Template 

or Teachers Share in Google Classroom

Common Core Standards:

Link back to Middle School LessonsThis lesson last taught with 7th grade students at Lindsey Middle School by on 02/26/2023.Links Checked 05/03/2023