Elmer the Elephant
"Elmer" the Patchwork Elephant from Kathleen Carpenter
Have the kids cut out the elephant shape then glue on multi-colored tissue paper squares to make him look like Elmer the patchwork elephant. Each child can decorate another elephant cutout to contribute to a parade of elephants similar to the one in the original Elmer book. Display them on a wall, bulletin board, or strung across the room on a clothesline rope. Another option: Attach elephants to tongue depressors or paint stirrers and have the children carry them around in a real parade accompanied by the tune, Baby Elephant Walk.

Character Traits Lesson Plan by mrsgteach@yahoo.com

Elmer The Patchwork Elephant Coloring Page from Lines Across

Alternative Lesson Plan

Open Mind extension activity for Character Traits.

Upper Grades can compare and contrast their Physical Traits with their Personality Traits.

This blank form can be used to list the character traits of any character or person.