Social Issue Art Project
This project was created by Melinda Moen at Western High School
Printmaking Project
Art Standard 2.6: Create a work of art that addresses a social issue.
What is a social issue?
- Social issues are matters that directly or indirectly affect members of a society.
- They are considered to be problems and are usually related to moral values.
- Social issues are usually beyond the control of any one individual and solutions may be controversial.
- Artists will often create works of art that make a statement about their opinion on a social issue.
- What issues affect your community the most?
Social issues to think about (not limited to this list):
· Drug use
· Animal testing/ abuse
· Discrimination
· Educational system
· Euthanasia
· Evolution vs. Creation
· Drunk Driving
· Global Warming
· Homelessness
· Immigration
· Poverty
· Religion
· War
· Abortion
· Suppression of Human Rights
· Pollution
· Violence
· Terrorism
· Child labor/ abuse
· Same sex marriage
1. Develop your idea:
o Choose a social issue.
o What do you want to say about that issue? What is your point of view? (Your idea may not promote violence or any other topic that the school would frown upon.)
o Research imagery (any pictures that come to mind) and sketch ideas.
o Rework ideas and develop a line drawing that follows all the principals of a good design.
2. Printmaking technique:
o Turn your drawing into a two-toned design, simplifying it into strong back and white shapes.
o Transfer your drawing onto a piece of linoleum block.
o Carve your design out by removing all of the “white” areas.
o Roll ink on your design and print, following the traditional printmaking process.
o Turn in your best print for a final grade.
3. Assessment:
o What does your art “say” about your social issue?
o Do the images you chose reflect your point of view?
o Did you balance positive and negative space within the given format?
o Did you use the tools properly and cut clean shapes?
o Did you use class time wisely and put forth good effort?
Library Research
Art on a Social Issue
- What social issue or topic will you be researching? _________________________________________
- What do you want to “say” about this social issue? (What is your point of view?)
- Who does this social issue effect?
- Research one article about your topic and print it out and attach it to this paper.
- When you read the article, what “pictures” or “images” come to mind? List them here:
- Print out “pictures” or “images” that you will need to help you draw your rough draft. Attach them to this paper. (For example: A picture of a rabbit in a cage for animal testing, or a picture of a menacing factory for air pollution).
- Use the space below and the back to sketch at least 3 ideas for your drawing: