Champs is part of the Safe and Civil Schools Program and is a behavior management system used in many schools. My school just adopted this as a school wide management system, so each class had to develop their own. Having a school wide system really helps reinforce that students have the same standards in all classrooms.


CHAMPS stands for:

C - Conversation

H - Help

A - Activity

M - Movement

P - Participation

S - Signal

Here are my CHAMPS for the library:

C - No conversation until independent learning activity.

A - Ask table mates for help before asking the teacher. Raise a hand for help and wait quietly. Follow expectations for sitting, checkout, and activities.

M - Move only when checking out books.

P - Participate by listening or responding as directed.

S - Signal

Chromebooks CHAMPS.pdf

CHAMPS for using Chromebooks in the classroom or library created for use in Lindsey Middle School



C- How should they speak? What should be their voice level?

H- How do they get help?

A- What is the activity they are doing?

M- How are they seated, grouped, rotating stations, etc.?

P- How are they involved in the activity? Taking notes, using technology?

S- Success/Signal-How will they know they are successful?

Hallway Champs (.pdf)

C - Inside the halls, class, or office always use inside voices.

H - If there is a problem in the hall, ask the closest staff person for help.

A - The expected outcome is to have a safe, civil, and timely passage to class.

M - Walk on the right side of the hall. Do not block doors or walkways.

P -Everyone participates in passing period.

S - If asked to lower your voice, do not talk back – Just do it!

Exiting Classroom

C - No talking until dismissed by teacher

H - Questions - ask 3 before me

A - Put away materials and clean area including floor

M - Sitting quietly in assigned seat until dismissed by teacher

P - Everyone has cleaned their area and wrote down Homework (library book due date) in planner

S - The bell does not dismiss you, the teacher dismisses you.

This page created for the Library Survival Guide presentation at CSLA , 2018.Back to Behavior Management If you have any suggestions to add to this page, please contact updated on 08/17/2020