All Books Due

Books Due Signs

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End-of-Year Procedures 

In order to prepare for September and have a smooth and accurate accountability of student and staff materials, the library staff requests the help of each classroom teacher in retrieving instructional materials.  Therefore, to keep year-end problems to a minimum, recover lost books, collect materials, and collect fines/fees from students, please observe the schedule below:


Year-end Timeline


Library Closed to Students

Except to turn in books

June 2 - June 17

May 30  All library books due from students

June 11, 13  Senior cap and gown distribution  (all fines must be cleared)

June 2-13 textbook check-in

June 12, 13 Senior finals – All senior textbooks due

June 13 All student textbooks due 

June 16  Senior graduation – diploma held if textbooks/fines not cleared

Finals Periods 1, 3, 5 – students turn in all remaining books

Teacher Clearance

June 17  Last day of school

            Finals Periods 2, 4, 6 – students turn in all remaining books

Teacher Clearance

June 18  Last teacher day

            Teacher Clearance:  All teacher materials must be accounted for and renewed, including AV equipment.  

June 19 Summer School Check Out


Please wait until June 19 for any Summer School Business.  Our first priority is to close out the current school year.

All Teachers   

Please sign up for textbook check in from June 2 to June 13.  Post on the board and announce the date that you will be turning in books, so that students are prepared.  Remind students that their account is only cleared if they return the exact book that was issued to them.  If they try to turn in a book belonging to someone else, their account will not be cleared, even though they turned in a book.   The full replacement cost of the book will be charged for lost books.  


Honors Courses With Summer Reading

Teachers assigning summer reading should forward a copy of their lists to the library ASAP so we can have the books ready for students to check out.  Please let us know before you give students the list so we can have the course set up in the computer.  You may even arrange for an after school check out time for all your students to come at once.  Scheduling a check out appointment immediately after your meeting is a great way to make sure all your students get the right books before they forget.  Summer reading books will be due on the Friday of the first full week of school.   If students need the book longer, it must be checked out again using the fall course dates.  Please help us follow up on collecting these books in September by giving us a list of students who do not end up enrolling in the course.  


Lost Books

Please round up any books that may have been left in the classroom and send them to the library.  Anything that has a barcode must be returned to the library to clear accounts.  We consider anything that is not physically in the library as lost; resulting in a charge to the student.  Please help us avoid problems by returning these books as soon as possible.

Department Chairs

Please check the numbers for next year’s enrollment to make sure there are enough books for the fall.  You have been given a print out from the library staff on specific textbook titles; however, it is a good idea to make a visual check to make sure the physical numbers match what is in the computer.   Let the library staff know if any textbook titles will no longer be used, so they can be deleted from the system.  You will receive a copy of your department’s teacher checkouts.  Please notify teachers of items that must be returned for use by others next year.


Teacher Materials

You will be issued a list of all materials that are checked out to you.  Verify that all materials are in your possession.  Please return all materials you are not using to the library.    If items are lost, please mark them as lost so the library can maintain accurate records.  Highlight the materials you will be renewing for the next school year, and return the list to the library.  Renewals are subject to department chair approval.  The Department Chair may recall class sets if they are needed for increased enrollment.



Fines are assessed for damages as an incentive to keep books in good condition.  The library staff does not assess fines; therefore it is up to the department to decide whether or not fines should be assessed.  Teachers should perform a textbook check before check-in time to assess damages.  Textbook fine slips are available from the library.  Information required on charge slips:  Teacher’s name, student’s name and ID#, title of book, barcode number of book, fine type, and amount of charge assessed.  


Classroom Library Books

Make an effort to collect all books from your classroom library by June 13th.  Issue charge slips (use the electronic form sent out by e-mail to all staff) to students for missing books and make every effort to collect the book before the last day of school.  Issuing charge slips early ensures a better chance of collecting the book or fine.  Turn in your charge slips for any uncollected books to the library on Teacher Clearance Day.  Once a charge slip is turned in to the library, the student must turn in the book directly to the library to clear the charge.  Returned books will be held in the library until September (make sure your books are clearly identified).  Collected charges will be used by your department to purchase replacement books.  

Back to Operations Manual Home PageThis policy was created for Western High School in 2011.  This page is part of the Library Survival Guide.  If you have any suggestions to add to this page, please contact